How To Use A Baby Carrier For Your Newborn: New Parents Need to Know

When I became a first-time mum, I was very nervous about how I would hold my little precious one. But there was no need to worry as I received a baby carrier as a gift from a friend at the hospital, which was a matter of great joy for me.

At first, I found it quite difficult to carry my newborn, and later, with the help of friends and my husband, I slowly got used to it. During the time of my second child, it was very easy for me to carry him in a carrier as a newborn.

By combining the experience and knowledge I’ve gained from using carriers, I’m here to tell new parents like you how you can use the carrier for your newborn.

Importance of Using a Baby Carrier for Newborns 

Using a baby carrier for newborns can offer several benefits for both the baby and the parents. Here are some key reasons why baby carriers are considered important for newborns:

  • One of the most important things is creating a strong bond between yourself and your child. Holding the newborn in a carrier makes engaging in conversation with your baby easier.
  • The baby can receive the warmth of the parent’s body while in the carrier, which can be soothing for the newborn and improve emotional development. 
  • It helps you travel with your baby in a car without a car seat.
  • Normally, your hands are tied up while holding a newborn. So, using a carrier is important if you want to multitask, like doing housework, shopping, or moving around with the baby.
  • Adequate sleep contributes greatly to brain development in newborns. The close contact of a baby carrier helps regulate a newborn’s sleep patterns and promotes a deep sleep in warmth.
  • Frequent breastfeeding of the newborn is very important for a mother. Some carriers allow mothers to breastfeed babies while maintaining privacy.
  • Newborns with a colic cry for no apparent reason. Babies who are carried in a carrier often cry less because they feel more secure and reassured by physical contact.

Choose the Right Baby Carrier for Newborns

Before discussing how to put a newborn in a carrier, it is necessary to talk about choosing a suitable carrier because the safety of a newborn depends on using the suitable carrier. Here are specific considerations for choosing the suitable carrier:

  • Newborns cannot control their head and neck, so choosing a carrier that correctly supports their neck muscles is essential.
  • Choose a baby carrier with an ergonomic design that supports the baby’s hips.
  • The carrier should adequately support the baby’s legs to prevent them from dangling or hanging straight down.
  • Look for carriers offering adjustable straps and panels, allowing you to customize the fit to your baby’s size and body shape. A good fit ensures that the baby is safe and comfortable while being carried.
  • Carrier fabric should be soft and breathable because the carrier is in direct contact with the baby’s skin. This material will help prevent overheating and ensure the baby stays comfortable.

Suitable Baby Carriers for Newborns

While many different types of baby carriers exist, certain carriers are more suitable for newborns than older children. Let’s see which types of carriers are helpful for newborns:

Wrap Carriers 

A wrap carrier comprises a long fabric wrapped around the parent’s body. It is versatile so that it can carry the baby in different positions. They also provide excellent support for the development of the newborn’s spine.

Soft-Structured Carrier (SSC)

Soft-Structured Carrier (SSC) is made of soft fabric. These carriers are designed with padded shoulder straps and a waistband. SSCs have adjustable panels to accommodate newborns, providing a secure and comfortable fit for both parent and baby.

Ring Slings

Ring slings Carrier consists of a long piece of fabric with two rings. One end of the fabric is threaded through the ring, creating a pouch for the baby. It is often used for breastfeeding while on the move.

When choosing a baby carrier for a newborn, ensure it is safe, provides proper head and neck support, and offers a comfortable carrying position.

When choosing a baby carrier for a newborn, ensure it is safe,

Steps to Use a Baby Carrier for Your Newborn

When you choose a baby carrier, you should provide a safe and comfortable environment for your newborn baby. Here are just a few simple steps to use a baby carrier for your newborn:

  • Step 1- Select a Suitable Carrier 

Not all baby carriers are the same, so selecting the suitable one for your baby, especially right after birth, is essential.

It is vital to choose a carrier that will suit the delicate body. Especially those that properly support his head and neck.

  • Step 2- Read The Instructions Attached To The Carrier 

Carefully read the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the carrier attachment, as each carrier may have specific features and usage guidelines.

  • Step 3- Make Sure The Newborn Is Ready

Your newborn must be prepared to stay in the carrier. Making sure she’s ready for a baby carrier involves two key considerations:

Checking weight and age: Before using a baby carrier, make sure your newborn’s weight and age are the same as the weight and age recommended by the carrier’s manufacturer. It provides a proper fit and support to your developing baby.

Adequate neck and head control: Adequate neck control of newborns means the baby can support and hold their head steadily without tipping forward or to the side. This is essential for the baby’s safety and comfort.

Healthy Newborns: Many newborns may have physical complications soon after birth or may be born prematurely, so the newborn is definitely not carrier-ready. So, the health of the child must be taken care of.

Make Sure The Newborn Is Ready
  • Step 4- Adjust The Carrier Before Placing The Baby 

Adjusting the carrier depends on the type of carrier you use. Here are the different career adjustments:

If using a structured carrier:

  • Adjust the shoulder straps to the appropriate length.
  • They should be snug to provide support but not so tight that they cause discomfort.
  • Place the waistband comfortably over your hips, making sure it sits snugly for proper support on your lower back.
  • Before placing your baby in the carrier, double-check that all buckles and straps are securely fastened. This step is very important for career safety and stability.

If using a wrap or ring slings carrier:

  • Knowing about wrapping techniques is important to ensure a safe and comfortable fit for both you and your baby.
  • When placing the baby in a wrap or sling, make sure the fabric stretches across your back and shoulders.
  • A well-stretched fabric helps prevent pressure in certain areas and supports the baby’s weight more effectively.
  • Step 5- Position Your Baby 

It is important to position your baby in the baby carrier properly. For example:

  • Since the baby is a newborn, it will be positioned inward-facing.
  • Position your baby so that their face is visible and close enough to kiss.
  • Spread your baby’s legs in the “M” position so that the knees are higher than the hips.
  • Your baby’s airway should be unclogged, breathing properly, and their chin should be out of their chest.

  • Step 6- Check If The Baby Is Comfortable 

Ensure the baby’s comfort by ensuring they are in a safe and well-supported position within the carrier. Make sure the carrier is snug but tight enough. The fit will be such that you can put a finger or two between your baby and the carrier. 

Make sure your baby’s weight is evenly distributed and concentrated. If your baby falls asleep in the carrier, ensure his head is supported correctly.

Check If The Baby Is Comfortable 

  • Step 7- Start With A Short period

As you are using the carrier for the newborn, carry him in the carrier for a short time. Give both you and your baby a chance to get used to it.

And with the help of the carrier, it is better to go within a reasonable distance in the beginning. Get used to it first, and then you can carry it in a carrier and go any distance.

Read more: Newborn Guide For New Parents: An All In One Guide

Final Words

All of the above was about carrying a newborn in a carrier. Whether the child is a newborn or older, ensuring his safety is the most important thing. But parents need to be extra careful with newborns as they cannot balance themselves.

So when you decide to carry the newborn from the hospital in a carrier, choosing a carrier and positioning the baby in the carrier should be your priority. Best wishes for a beautiful journey with the newborn!

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