What Can I Use Instead Of A Stroller: 6 Alternatives for Parents

In the beginning,  after becoming a mother, I used a stroller most of the time around the house or outside.

I couldn’t think of any alternative to the stroller, but gradually, I got to know about the various gadgets and the need to use them apart from the stroller at different times. As a parent, I think everyone needs to be aware of these alternative gadgets.

So, when walking has no alternative, it’s time to choose one of the options to ensure hassle-free and stroller-free travel with your baby. Let’s dive into the details of what you can use when you don’t have a stroller or can not carry a stroller.

Reasons to Look for Stroller Alternatives 

In various situations or for various reasons, parents may look for alternative gadgets to strollers. I’ve also tried alternative solutions a few times. Let’s first find out in which cases we may have to take advantage of the alternative use of strollers:

Urban System Barriers: Using a stroller is more of a barrier in situations where going up and down stairs on crowded city streets, inside shops, or in subway stations.

Outdoor Adventures: When a parent is thinking about outdoor adventures or travel, traditional strollers do not provide support. 

Hiking trails, sandy beaches, or unpaved nature trails often pose challenges for strollers, requiring alternatives more adaptable to these conditions.

Traveling on public transport: Traveling on public transport with a stroller can be a challenge, especially if it is crowded. I mostly carry the baby on my lap during these public transports, as folding and unfolding the stroller is repeatedly inconvenient. 

Hence, in this case, parents are encouraged to find alternative solutions which can be used seamlessly on public transport.

During Day Trip: If you’re a frequent traveler or just planning a spontaneous day trip, taking a bulky stroller might be impractical.

So lightweight options that offer quick setup become especially useful for parents.

The search for stroller alternatives is evidence of concern for the baby inherent in parenting. As we discuss the different options, we’ll learn how they embrace flexibility and open up new possibilities for the adventures we explore with our little ones.

Alternative to Using a Stroller for Baby 

There are different gadget options for using a stroller to transport the baby depending on your baby’s age, lifestyle, and preferences.  While pushing a stroller may seem like a hassle to you at times, these alternatives will work if you know what to do. 

Let’s know about them:

Baby Carrier

A baby carrier is a soft padded carrier that you can set against your chest to carry your baby. Some carriers allow you to carry the baby on your back.

Benefits of Using a Baby Carrier

  • Baby carriers are compact and easy to carry.
  • They are ideal options for traveling in areas that are crowded or uneven or areas where a stroller cannot be used.
  • Carrying your baby in a carrier encourages close physical contact and bonding with you.
  • It provides a sense of security and comfort for the baby.
  • Using a baby carrier leaves your hands free for other tasks.
  • It is very easy to use as there is no need to open or set up anything. You can just put on the carrier and go.

Consideration of Using a Baby Carrier

  • Carrier use has specific weight and age limits. So, choose a suitable carrier according to your baby’s weight and age.
  • Both the baby carrier wearer and the baby can feel hot in the carrier, especially in hot weather. So, with this in mind, definitely choose a carrier made of breathable fabric.
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Baby Wrap 

Baby wraps are lightweight and easily portable compared to strollers, making it a convenient option for parents to carry a baby.

Benefits of Using Baby Wraps 

  • Baby wraps provide security, creating a strong bond between parent and baby.
  • You can keep your hands free for other tasks.
  • Baby wraps don’t give you more trouble navigating crowded spaces, stairs, and other obstacles than strollers.
  • Wraps are customizable and fit comfortably for different styles and lengths.
  • Baby wraps offer multiple ways to carry a baby, allowing you to adapt to your baby’s age and preferences.

Consideration of Using Baby Wraps 

  • It is important to ensure that the baby wrap is securely fastened and that the weight is evenly distributed so that it is not uncomfortable for the wearer.
  • You may need a separate bag for your essentials because there isn’t as much storage as a stroller.
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Baby Backpack Carrier 

This is my favorite alternative to the stroller because using a backpack carrier can be a convenient alternative to a stroller, especially in situations where the terrain is not stroller-friendly.

Benefits of Using a Baby Backpack Carrier

  • Baby backpack carriers are usually compact and easily transportable and are perfect for outdoor activities.
  • Like strollers, backpack carriers allow you to keep your hands free.
  • Baby backpack carriers can help you take your child on hikes, walks or other outdoor adventures.
  • Many backpack carriers are designed for babies who can sit up on their own, providing a comfortable and safe seat for the baby.

Consideration of Using a Baby Backpack Carrier

  • Look for a carrier that has padded shoulder straps and a waist belt for extra support.
  • Using a backpack carrier can take some practice, especially when securing the baby in the carrier and adjusting the straps for a comfortable fit.

Read more: What Does All Terrain Mean For Stroller| Exploring Their Versatility


A wagon specially designed for carrying children is called a baby wagon. These wagons are designed to provide a safe and comfortable place for toddlers while they go out. 

Benefits of Using a Baby Backpack Carrier

  • Wagons have more space than strollers, providing a wider area for your child to sit or lie down.
  • Wagons are versatile for various tasks. They are perfect for trips to parks, picnics, festivals, and other outdoor events.
  • Wagons can carry multiple children at once. Suitable for families with multiple children.
  • Wagons can usually handle a variety of terrain, making them perfect for outdoor adventures.

Consideration of Using a Wagon

  • Although many wagons are designed for all-terrain use, they may not be suitable for certain environments, such as stairs or crowded indoor spaces.
  • Wagons are heavier than strollers and storage can be a consideration, especially if you need to transport the wagon in your car.
  • Like strollers, wagons don’t fold up for compact storage, which may be inappropriate if you have limited space.
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Mini Scooter 

The use of mini scooters can be useful gadgets as an alternative to strollers in various situations. They are usually small in size and lightweight, which are perfect for enjoying the scenery while traveling.

Benefits of Using a Mini Scooter

  • Mini scooters are portable, so they are easy to carry or store. 
  • It can be useful for parents who need a lightweight and small space for storage.
  • Scooters move faster than walking. This can be convenient for parents when in a hurry or covering long distances.
  • Kids my daughter Lily’s age who have developed their own balance can enjoy riding mini scooters.

Consideration of Using a Mini Scooter

  • Scooters are relatively less safe than strollers because scooters do not have harnesses or canopies.
  • Scooters with larger wheels and suspension systems may be less suitable for rough or uneven terrain.
  • Some areas may have regulations regarding scooter use. It is essential to be aware of and comply with local laws.
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Handle Tricycle 

A handle tricycle is also known as a push tricycle. It can be a fun and practical alternative to using a stroller. It is generally suitable for children aged 1-4 years.

Benefits of Using a Handle Tricycle

  • Tricycles actively contribute to physical activity for children.
  • Parents can use the handle to control the tricycle for the child if they are still learning to pedal.
  • Tricycles are perfect for outdoor use and can be great for exploring parks, sidewalks, and other outdoor spaces.

Consideration of Using a Handle Tricycle

  • Handle tricycles are generally suitable for younger children who may not be ready for tricycles or balance bikes.
  • Handle tricycles are best suited for smooth surfaces like sidewalks and paths. They may not perform well on rough or uneven terrain.
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Carrying in Arm

Apart from the above gadgets, you can carry the baby in your arms. It is a classic and natural way. It directly builds a strong emotional bond between parent and child. 

It allows you to easily monitor the baby’s facial expressions to ensure their comfort and well-being. However, carrying a baby for long periods of time can be physically demanding and tiring for the carrier, especially as the baby gains weight.

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So, this was all for you about carrying the baby in other gadgets instead of strollers. The stroller was invented for comforting both the baby and the mother like us. But sometimes you will need alternatives.

Whether you put your baby in a carrier, wagon, or baby wrap, the first thing you need to do is make sure it’s comfortable for both you and your baby. 

I wish you all the happiness in your parenting journey by getting the right gadgets for outdoor activities and ensuring your baby’s safe journey.

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