Does Pushing A Stroller Burn More Calories? Don’t Miss This 4 Benefits

The first time I was out with my baby girl, Lily, in a travel system stroller, there was a lot of confusion on my mind.

However, there was a gentle breeze outside, so I didn’t think too much. As I started walking with my stroller, soon, I realized I was sweating. 

It was like I was working out or something. That made to question myself ‘Does Pushing a Stroller Burn More Calories.’

There are a lot of factors like the weight of the stroller, the distance, etc. are related. Below we will discover the advantages of pushing stroller, how can you burn calories more efficiently, and some tools to help you in the process.

Does Pushing a Stroller Burn More Calories Than Walking?

If you are walking with a stroller, it will cost you more calories. I have seen many mothers ask me this question after post-pregnancy. 

Gaining weight during pregnancy is inevitable and it is difficult to lose weight after giving birth.

Many mothers choose to run with the stroller as an option to burn calories and get back in shape. 

According to a study published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, pushing a stroller can increase your calorie burn by up to 20%. 

The study measured the heart rates of participants walking at a moderate pace with and without a stroller.

Pushing a Stroller Burn More Calories Than Walking

The more your weight is, the more calories you burn.

As per Livestrong, here is the list of your weight and the calories you burn when pushing your stroller.

Your WeightCalories you burn per hour of pushing a stroller
130 pounds147
155 pounds176
180 pounds204
205 pounds232

Fitday has built calories burned walking with stroller calculator which lets you input your height, weight, age, & sex and calculate your calories burned pushing stroller. 

For example, if your weight is 145 lbs, height is 65 inches and your age is 32 y/o, then calories burned carrying 20 lb baby is 150 per hour.

Walking with a stroller does make a difference while walking without the stroller. If you are looking to shed some fat in your post-pregnancy period, walking with a stroller can be a great workout.

What Are the Factors That Affect My Calorie Burn While Pushing Stroller?

As of now, you have known that pushing a stroller burns calories. Your calorie is not burning at a constant rate, it fluctuates based on a variety of factors. These include the weight of the stroller you’re maneuvering, as well as your chosen pace, whether you’re walking or jogging.

These are the factors you must be aware of while checking your calorie burning while pushing a stroller.

The Stroller Weight 

Heavy strollers take more effort to push. Though full-sized strollers offer a lot of convenience, they are pretty heavy, and jogging with them is pretty inconvenient. 

When I started taking my daughter out and about more often, I made the switch to a lightweight stroller—and it’s been a game changer!

I was able to jog faster. I keep my tracker with me to track my heart rate and calories too. 

The heavier the stroller, the more calories you burn. But in my opinion, the hassle is too big. If burning calories while walking out with your little one is your target, go for lightweight strollers.

If you want to get into shape, I can help you with the best Fitness Tracker For Pushing A Stroller whether you are an Android user or an IOS user.

Speed of Your Stroll

Walking with your stroller burns fewer calories, and jogging with it burns more. Do not go at a fast pace or else you will get tired soon and it will be an uncomfortable ride for your baby as well.

The Terrain Through You Are Moving

Your stroller may not be built to go through all the surfaces. A bumpy ride can be dangerous for your baby causing Soft Tissue injury, SBS, concussion, and traumatic brain injury.

That’s why I recommend you go for a flat surface. If you live in a hilly area, an all-terrain stroller or jogging stroller will suit you the best. 

All terrain stroller is good to cruise through every surface

If you are confused about selecting the best jogging stroller, I can help you out.

Your Posture

Your posture is very important while pushing the stroller. 

Good posture will help you burn more calories and reduce your risk of injury. Bad posture can cause back pain, wrist pain, and many more injuries. 

To burn maximum calories while pushing the stroller, 

  • Keep your hips close to the stroller
  • Keep your chest up and shoulder down 
  • Keep your wrist straight and elbows bent

These are the most basic instructions while pushing a stroller. Maintain this posture to burn calories more without any injuries. 

Good posture will help you burn more calories

4 Benefits of Pushing Stroller

Parenting can be challenging but pushing a stroller is not. Pushing a stroller can present you with its own set of benefits like burning more calories, reducing stress, or a stroll in the park to refresh your mind. 

Let’s take a magnifying glass and look at them in detail. 

Pushing a Stroller Burns More Calories 

One of the questions mothers ask is, “does pushing a stroller burn more calories?” When you walk or run while pushing a stroller, remember you’re not only moving your own weight but also the weight of the stroller and your child.

The extra effort = more calories burned.

This calorie burning can vary based on the factors I have already mentioned above. So, if you are still sitting and wondering, then go for a hike in nature with your little one and explore the world.

It Improves Your Balance and Coordination

Pushing a stroller improves your leg muscles. Pushing the stroller uses arms for steering and your core for stabilization, which improves your overall balance and coordination. This makes walking with a stroller good exercise, both for your body and your reflexes.

Pushing a stroller Improves Your Balance and Coordination

It Reduces Stress and Improves Your Mood

A good mind lives in good health. Pushing a stroller is a physical activity that also works as a mood-boosting effect by releasing endorphins. This emotional lift is something that calorie-counting alone might not reflect but is crucial for your overall well-being.

This Workout Is Fun

Who doesn’t like to walk with their newborn? It’s a great way to combine exercise with quality time.

Pushing a stroller offers an array of benefits that extend beyond mere convenience. So the next time you head out with your stroller, know that you’re doing something great for both your well-being and your relationship with your little one.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Walking With a Stroller Good Exercise?

Walking with a stroller is a good form of exercise. It offers a low-impact cardio workout and burns more calories than walking alone. It’s a convenient way to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine while spending time with your child.

2. Does Pushing a Stroller Burn More Calories Than Walking?

Yes, pushing a stroller does burn more calories than walking alone because you’re exerting extra effort to move the additional weight. However, the actual calorie burn can vary based on factors like your pace, the stroller’s weight, and terrain.

3. How Do You Exercise While Pushing a Stroller?

You can incorporate lunges, squats, or even some light jogging intervals while you’re out with the stroller. Some parents also use resistance bands for upper body exercises. Just make sure the stroller is sturdy and has good brakes before you start any rigorous activity.

4. Is It Harder to Run While Pushing a Stroller?

Yes, running with a stroller presents more of a challenge compared to running alone. You have to push the extra weight and maintain control of the stroller, which works your arms and core in addition to your legs.

5. Does Stroller Count as Exercise?

Absolutely! Pushing a stroller—especially over hilly terrain or at a brisk pace—can be a great form of cardio, not to mention the additional strength training you get from pushing the extra weight.

6. Can I Lose Weight by Pushing a Stroller?

If combined with a balanced diet and consistent routine, stroller workouts can certainly contribute to weight loss. The extra calorie burn from pushing a stroller adds up over time, aiding in weight management.

Wrapping Up

My target was to let you know Does Pushing a Stroller Burn More Calories. While pushing a stroller burn more calories than walking it is quite fun also. 

While some factors are related to burning calories more or less while pushing a stroller, the experience is something you cannot hold yourself back. Happy parenting!

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