6 Practical Tips On Walking With Newborn In Stroller

Going out with your newborn for the first time is an emotion that cannot be described in words. It’s always special to take your newborn out in a stroller and show them the world. It not only is good for your baby also but good for you and your health.

But many new parents remain concerned if they can handle the weather and keep their babies warm and cool while using a stroller. As I have had this experience twice, I will share my tips on walking with a newborn in a stroller. 

First Thing First – Pick the Right Stroller for Walking

Selecting the right stroller for a newborn is one of the most important things you can do as a new parent. While various stages of your baby’s growth may require different strollers, the choice is particularly crucial during the newborn phase.

When I was looking for the perfect stroller, I was overwhelmed by the options. There were lightweight strollers, jogging strollers, travel systems, umbrella strollers, and more. Each had its own set of features and benefits, and it was hard to know which one would be the best fit for our family’s needs. 

Read more on how many types of strollers are there in the market

New parents must choose the right stroller for their newborn

First, think about the type of terrain you’ll be covering. 

If you are living in the countryside and have to deal with rough terrain, an all terrain stroller with sturdy wheels and good suspension is a must. If you are a city dweller and you have to deal with narrow streets and tight corners, a lightweight and easily maneuverable stroller might be a better fit.

Think about your lifestyle. 

Do you travel often? If so, a travel system stroller with a detachable car seat is the best option for you. Are you a fitness enthusiast? Then a jogging stroller might be right up your alley.

Lastly, don’t forget about comfort and safety. A comfortable stroller has padding on the seat and support for your baby. It also features a harness to keep your baby secure and a canopy to protect them from the weather condition.

Read More: 10 Best Stroller For New York City In 2023

6 Practical Tips for Walking with a Newborn in a Stroller

Walking with a newborn in a stroller is fun and exciting. But without the proper plan, it can be a nightmare. That is why I am presenting 6 Practical Tips for Walking with a Newborn in a Stroller so that your walk with your baby will be remembered for a lifetime.

Planning Your Walks

Before you head out for a walk with your newborn, plan ahead and have a clear idea of where you’re going, how long you’ll be out, and what you’ll need. Choose routes with wide sidewalks, minimal traffic, and plenty of shade. 

Also, try to keep your first walk short, about 15 to 30 minutes, and stay close to home in case you need to go back for a diaper change, a feeding, or a nap.

Keep your first walk with your newborn 15 to 30 minutes

Checking the Weather Forecast

The weather can make or break your walk with your newborn. Always check the weather forecast before heading out. 

Babies poorly tolerate hot summer weather and must be kept out of the sun. In hot weather, dress your baby in light, breathable fabrics, such as cotton or linen. 

Avoid synthetic materials that can trap heat and cause overheating. Use the canopy of the stroller to protect your baby from direct sunlight. 

In cold weather, dress your baby in layers, such as a onesie, a sweater, and a snowsuit. Use a fleece blanket or a bunting bag to keep them warm in the stroller. 

I learned this the hard way when a sunny day turned into a downpour midway through our walk. Now, I always pack a rain cover for the stroller and an umbrella for me, just in case.

Having the Right Gear

The right gear makes your walk with your newborn in a stroller more comfortable and enjoyable for both of you. 

A stroller with sturdy wheels and good suspension can handle various terrains, while a large canopy can protect your baby from the sun and wind. Don’t forget to pack essentials. Some of the essential items that you might need are:

  • Diaper and wipes 
  • Bottle of breast milk 
  • Blanket 
  • Hat and sunglasses 
  • Toy or book 

Walking With a Friend

Walking with a friend can make the time fly by. Engage in meaningful conversations, share life wisdom, and enjoy each other’s company. You can also take turns pushing the stroller, holding the baby, or carrying the diaper bag.

Walking with a friend can pass the time quickly

Walking the Child to Sleep

You may know that the rhythmic motion of a stroller could work like a lullaby. I discovered this magical trick when my baby was restless, a quick walk with the stroller around the block would do the trick. There are some other reasons also why babies sleep better in a stroller.

Exploring Your Local Area

Finally, use your stroller walks as an opportunity to explore your local area. Discover new parks, visit local shops, or simply enjoy the changing seasons. These walks were great for me and I made quite a lot of friends during that time while walking my baby in a stroller. 

Benefits of Walking with Your Newborn

Walking with your newborn in a stroller is more than just a way to get from point A to point B. They provide many benefits both to your and your baby’s physical and mental health. 

  • Walking is a low-impact exercise that supports weight loss after pregnancy, improves cardiovascular health, and improves general fitness. If you are health conscious and love to run, consider buying a good quality jogging stroller. I used to do that with both of my babies – the experience is just awesome! 
  • A change of environment and some fresh air can do wonders for your mood. 
  • The shared experience of experiencing the world can improve your emotional bond with your infant.
  • The sights, sounds, and fragrances encountered during a walk give your newborn enormous sensory stimulation.
  • Regular walks model an active lifestyle for your child.
  • Walking in your neighborhood or park can lead to social encounters, allowing you to engage with other parents and community members.
Walking is a low-impact post-pregnancy workout

Where Are the Best Places to Walk With Baby?

Exploring new places with your baby in the stroller is always fun and exciting. But you also have to keep in mind that, your walks need to be shorter because of the weather condition. So the places close to your home will be the perfect walk. Some of the places you can explore are:


Parks are my top pick. They’re usually flat, have well-maintained paths, and the greenery is a feast for your baby’s developing eyes. Plus, they’re a great place to meet other parents. If you go there for jogging with a jogging stroller, buy a good quality fitness tracker for pushing a stroller to monitor how much improvement you made today! 

Pedestrian zone

Next up are pedestrian zones in city centers. They’re usually flat, wide, and car-free. My child loved watching the hustle and bustle of city life.

Local attractions

Don’t forget about local attractions like zoos, botanical gardens, or museums. They often have stroller-friendly paths and plenty of interesting sights for your baby.


Lastly, consider your local neighborhood. It’s convenient, and you’d be surprised at the new things you can discover just around the corner.

What’s the Best Time of Day to Walk With Baby?

Early morning, just after the first feed, can be a great time for a walk. The air is fresh, the streets are quiet, and your baby is likely to be alert and in a good mood. I’ve found these morning walks to be a peaceful and energizing start to our day.

Early morning is the best time to walk with your newborn

Late afternoon, before the evening bath and bedtime routine, is another good option. The temperature is usually cooler, making the walk more comfortable for both of you. These afternoon strolls often helped soothe my little ones, preparing them for a good night’s sleep.

Did You Know: The average newborn sleeps for approximately 16 hours a day. This means you have plenty of time to go for walks throughout their waking hours.

Safety Guidelines for Walking With Your Newborn

Before you go out to walk with your newborn, keep some safety measures in your mind. It’s very important to know how to safely use a stroller.  Some of the safety guidelines you can take care of-

  • Check the stroller’s brakes, harness, and general condition
  • Use the seat belt and the safety wrist strap to keep your baby secure and prevent the stroller from rolling away from you.
  • Keep a close eye on your baby. Never leave them unattended in the stroller, especially in crowded or busy areas.
  • Use the locking brake when you put the child into or take the child out of the stroller.
  • Check your baby’s temperature by feeling their chest or back regularly. If they feel too hot or too cold, adjust their clothing accordingly. You can use a stroller fan to cool them in the stroller.
  • Keep your baby hydrated by offering water or breast milk frequently.
  • Don’t hang heavy bags on the stroller handles as it can cause the stroller to tip backwards. 

Read More: 10 Best Stroller For Older Child At Disney

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Do You Hold a Newborn When Walking?

When walking without a stroller, hold your newborn in a secure, comfortable position, typically cradled in your arms or in a baby carrier. If using a baby carrier, ensure it supports the baby’s back, neck, and head.

2. How Long Can a Newborn Be in a Stroller?

Newborns can typically be in a stroller for short periods, about 1-2 hours. However, they should lie flat to protect their developing spine. A pram or a stroller with a fully reclining seat is ideal. Remember to check on your baby regularly and take breaks for feeding and diaper changes.

3. How Should Newborns Sit in a Stroller?

Newborns should lie flat in a pram or a fully reclined stroller until they can hold their head up unassisted, usually around 3-6 months. This position helps with breathing and spine development. Always secure your baby with the stroller’s safety harness.

4. How Can I Make My Baby Stroller Comfortable?

To make a baby stroller comfortable, ensure it has a good amount of padding. Use a stroller liner for extra comfort and easy cleaning. Adjust the seat to a comfortable recline position and use the canopy for shade. 

Wrapping Up

I have shared 6 of my real-life Tips on Walking With a Newborn in a Stroller. Now you know when to take your baby out with a stroller and how long you can walk with them. Ensure you chose the right stroller and check the weather condition before you leave your home. 

Pack up all the essentials, explore different places, and follow the safety guideline to make your first walk with your child memorable. 

More Resources

Age By Age Guide To Strollers

Do I Need A Bumper Bar For The Stroller

Can You Bring a Stroller on a Disney Cruise

Are Strollers With Car Seats NOT Safe for Walks?

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