How To Clean A Stroller In 30 Minutes Or Less?

If you have kids, you know how dirty strollers can get. I’m talking about the juice, mud, poop, snack, and who-knows-what stains you find in the seat. Let’s be real. Stroller cleaning is that thing we put off the most. But why? 

My story goes like this: “It takes too much time, and it’s too hard to do.” 

Would you take five minutes and let me break down the six easy steps on how to clean a stroller? Since dirty strollers are guiltily neglected by most of us busy parents, you might be willing to read the rest of this article. 

So let’s get started!

Why Cleaning Your Stroller is a MUST

I know we busy bee parents have dishes to wash, beds to make, food to cook, jobs to attend, and a lot of babysitting, but let me explain why disregarding your stroller’s crumby state (no pun intended) is no longer something you should do:

  1. Minimizes your child’s chances of getting sick: If your child spends a lot of time in the stroller outdoors, then chances are your stroller sees dust, dirt, and cookie crumbs daily. This can cause allergies, rashes, and other bacteria problems for you kiddos.
  2. Keeps your stroller in great shape: No one wants to face a broken stroller or its associated costs. Keeping your stroller in tip-top shape will also help you pocket extra cash if you ever decide to sell it down the road.
  3. Prevents risk: The last thing you want is all that dirt and sand clogging your stroller wheels and causing an accident. Ouch!

Now you know why it’s important to keep your stroller clean, but now let’s dive into what you need to make that happen. 

Things You Need to Clean Your Stroller  

Depending on the type and brand of your stroller, you may require different kinds of things at the time of cleaning your stroller. I am giving you a list of things that I used a week ago when I cleaned mine:

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Baby-friendly cleaning products: dish soap and sprays
  • Sponge or soft cloth
  • Disinfectant wipes (I find Clorox wipes work just great for the wheels and frame of my stroller. 
  • Dry towel 
  • Screwdriver

Easy Step-by-step Guide for How to Clean a Stroller

Ready to begin the cleaning process? If you’re like me, you have a load of chores waiting for you after you finish, but at least this is one thing off your checklist. Follow the steps below:

Step 01: Read the instructions

Trust me, you’re going to want to do this. Your stroller’s user manual will save you a lot of time by informing you how to disassemble and which things can be thrown into the wash. If you’re also like me, you might have thrown it away ages ago. Oops! 

Read the instructions - How To Clean A Stroller

But don’t worry, good old Google has you covered. And so does Youtube. Go there now and look up your specific brand and model, and more than likely you’ll find everything you need to know.

Let’s check the general rule of cleaning stroller. 

A user manual is the difference between spending hours on your stroller and roughly 30 minutes. And if you’re lucky, you might be able to toss some parts in the washing machine and/or dishwasher. 

Step 02: Vacuum or shake off loose dirt and debris

There are many ways to get the job done, but one of my favorites is the good old fashion Vacuum. I like using wet/dry ones to get every tiny crack and crevice in my stroller. You can do this by putting on the correct attachment and start scrubbing away. I even go for the wheels!

Vacuum or shake off loose dirt and debris - How To Clean A Stroller

Using the correct tools will pay dividends in making your kiddo’s day a little bit brighter.

Step 03: Disassemble

This includes removing the cup holder, parts of the fabric, tray, and basket. Most of these detach by hand but keep your screwdriver handy just in case. 

If these parts need to be washed, you can go ahead and put them in the dishwasher and/or washer if applicable. If not, place them aside for reassembly once you are done. 

Pro Tip – If your stroller’s fabric is not washing machine safe, simply soak it in a warm bucket of water with your choice of soap. Then rub it around gently in the water for a few minutes. Don’t be afraid to use your toothbrush to get rid of stains – more on that to come!

How To Clean A Stroller

Step 4: Spot Clean

Did you know – you don’t have to graon at the words “spot clean”? So, I came up with this little method that works very well! And it even works on mold!

Spot Clean - How To Clean A Stroller

Grab your supply:

  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar

That’s the two simple ingredients that have been around since cave dwellers, and it’s tested and true. This tip was passed down from my mother’s mother’s mother. Just kidding, I googled it. 

Just mix one cup of vinegar with one teaspoon of baking soda and voila! Sprinkle it over the mold and/or stains and let it set for at least five minutes. Now just use that old tooth brush you knew would come in handy and scrub the mildewed area.

Remember –  You should let the stroller air dry in a sunlit area before using it, so it doesn’t develop mold or mildew.

Step 05: Clean the frame and wheels

It goes without saying the wheels tend to be hard to clean with all that rock-hard dirt caked to them. I found this to be an easy solution: 

  1. Fill a bucket with warm water
  2. Add soap
  3. Let sit for 10 minutes
  4. Bursh wheels off with toothbrush

For cleaner wheels, you can sanitize them with a safe disinfectant and leave them to dry in the sun.

Clean the frame and wheels - How To Clean A Stroller

Step 06: Let it dry 

Don’t forget this part! Get out your dry towel and pat down your stroller from top to bottom. Make sure you thoroughly remove all the water from the plastic parts too. You can leave everything out in the sun to dry for a few hours. Otherwise, assembling now could cause mildew. 

How to Maintain Your Stroller

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there’s no true way to keep your stroller from getting messy again. But to prolong the time you have to clean it next, you can these tips below:

  • Store the stroller indoors instead of in the garage or outside to avoid dust, mildew, and spider webs
  • If you know you won’t be using it for a bit, consider covering it with a tarp and storing it in a cool, dry area.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: How often should I clean my stroller?

A: There has not rule of thumb of the frequency of the cleaning a stroller. It depends on the use of the stroller and the areas where you are using it. If you use regularly in a good dry area, we will recommend to clean once a month. 

Q: How do you clean a jogger stroller?

A: The same methods in this article will work for the jogger stroller. Just make sure to read your manual for the specifics. And keep  in mind that you need to clean the jogging stroller more frequently than regular stroller because we sometimes like to jog in the sea beach or any irregular road. 

Q: Is it ok to hose down a stroller?

A: Yes, as long as you allow it ample time to dry in the sun. Leaving it damp can cause mildew. 

Q: How to clean a stroller with urine smell?

A: Using white vinegar and water, use a spray bottle to thoroughly dampen the urine stains. Leave this mixture on for at least 15 minutes and then rub out with a wet cloth. Make sure to let it dry. 

Final words

Remember that cleaning your stroller regularly prevents your little one from getting sick. I hope these tips have helped you learn how to clean a stroller the easy way. I recommend doing a wipe-down after each use for maintenance and hygiene. But for deeper cleans, you can skip for a few weeks to a few months, depending on how often and how messy your kiddo is.

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