When Can Babies Sit In A Stroller?

Parents nowadays have trillions of questions hovering in their minds about their child’s safety and comfort. But amidst all of this, we think about our convenience as well. 

Going out with a newborn is a challenging task. But with the help of a stroller, it is somewhat easy. So when can babies sit in a stroller? I, too, had the same question. So I decided to educate myself about the matter to ensure my child’s best care. 

Getting to experience the first stroll with your little one is a dream we weave long before our babies arrive. But it all happens at the right time. 

Babies are vulnerable and have very weak muscles and bones. Before putting them in the stroller, you need to keep a number of things in mind. Continue reading to know when your baby can graduate from an infant car seat to a stroller. 

When Can Babies Sit In a Stroller? 

Children achieve different milestones at different ages. And it is not similar for everyone.  I remember my elder one was still roaming around in my lap till he was eight months old. Whereas the younger one was up and active at month five (figuratively). 

Babies Typically From Month 6 Are Able To Sit In A Stroller - When Can Babies Sit In A Stroller

When I see such a difference in growth in my own children, I know, as a matter of fact, that it applies to all. We can not compare one child to another. What we can do is wait for their turn to blossom. 

However, most children show some similar developmental signs, which you can look for to determine when your baby can sit in a stroller. 


Newborn babies have zero control over their necks and body. At this age, it is absolutely not recommended to put them in strollers. 

However, strollers, nowadays, have fully reclining features that can be used for newborn babies.

Strollers from the Uppababy Vista series have strollers that support children from infancy till they become toddlers. 

Three Months

Children at this age start to develop some control to hold their heads up. You will see the difference in them during tummy time. 

In addition, they will have smoother body movements, will be able to follow moving objects, and will move their hands and legs in coordination. 

Regardless of these signs, regular strollers are not recommended for them. Wait for a couple of months to be sure about your child’s proper development. 

Four Months

At month four, children usually can hold their heads up without support. They can hold objects, have better hand-eye coordination, and are able to control their movements. 

Some parents choose to stroll their children from this time. But as I already said, I waited for a good seven months for my firstborn. 

In fact, even after seeing better developmental signs during my younger childhood. I decided to wait for six months. This is what my doctors told me to do as well. 

Babies Are Sensitive From Infant To Six Months - When Can Babies Sit In A Stroller

Six Months

Six months is considered a safe age for babies. You can start introducing them to new foods. They become more active, and their motor skills improve drastically. 

You might also see your baby roll over, push themselves up, and can also lean on their hands. It is a good time to try and put them in a stroller. 

Always remember not to rush children to reach their milestones. Every baby is different, and each one grows, develops, and acts at its own pace. 

Do not unnecessarily burden yourself or your children with worries and insecurities. Consult with your doctor and ensure your baby is healthy and happy. 

When Can My Baby Sit In a Stroller?

There is no exact answer to this question. Firstly, you have to decide what you want for your child. Secondly, look for the developmental signs in your baby. 

There are many stroller manufacturers who make strollers that are suitable for infants till age ten. These strollers are versatile and have features that can support both small babies and bigger ones. 

Many parents, including me, didn’t put their babies in a stroller until they were moving independently. And I have many mom friends who put their babies in a stroller from day one. Both are correct. 

Which Strollers Are Appropriate for Infant to Six Months Old Baby

Strollers are one of the first things parents purchase when they start shopping for their little ones. But without proper knowledge, you might end up buying the wrong one for your baby. 

Buying an inappropriate stroller can be dangerous for your child’s physical development. I did not have the knowledge and made this mistake for my four months old baby. Later I donated it to the nearest children’s home, so I considered the money well spent. 

Thankfully, there are strollers that are specially made for your newborn. Look for these features in your stroller before purchasing: 

Strollers With Good Features Are Best For Infants - When Can Babies Sit In A Stroller


Stroller sitting is one of the essential features of your infant stroller. It is similar to choosing a sofa for us adults.

You will see adults sitting and testing multiple sofas in a furniture store. All this in order to find the most comfortable and relaxing one. 

Do the same with your baby’s stroller. Make sure the stroller has a comfortable and well-padded seat. The fabric of the cushion should be fine, soft, and washable. 

Make sure good-quality cotton is used in the seat and it is not irritated the skin. The stroller should be free of toxic elements and has proper neck and head support. 

Reclining Feature

Do I need to say anything more about the importance of reclining seats? Children from months zero to three (sometimes four) have little or no control over their heads and neck. 

Regular strollers will make them slouch and dangerously affect their body in the early months. 

Always keep your baby in the reclining position if you have decided to keep your infant in a stroller. 

Canopy (Sunshade)

If you are taking your baby out in a stroller, make sure your child is protected from adverse weather conditions. 

Baby’s skin is extremely sensitive, and they get easily affected by harsh weather. A large canopy will protect your baby from sunlight, wind, rain, etc. 

Leg Rest

An adjustable leg rest is what you have to look for before choosing an infant stroller. Your baby should have legs and feet support, especially when he is sleeping. 

It helps your baby to lay on their back and have safe and comfortable space for their legs as well. The leg rest should be an extension to the seat padding and provide equal coziness. 

Foot Guard

The foot guard is an extension of the leg rest I was talking about. I have intentionally put it in another point to further emphasize on its importance. 

Importance Of Foor Guard In A Stroller - When Can Babies Sit In A Stroller

Most of the strollers I see have leg rests, but very few have a foot guard attached to them. If you find a stroller with all other criteria but this, you can buy one separately. 

An enclosed foot guard protects your baby’s feet. It will guard your baby when they start getting more active (three months). 


A five-point safety harness is a must for your baby’s stroller. And it is equally important for babies of all ages. The safety straps should be adjustable, and never forget to check the bearings. 

The safety harness should be able to support your little baby and ensure they do not move while strolling. Even if your baby moves in their sleep, the straps should not bother them but also keep them from wriggling. 

Look for Certifications

JPMA (Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association) and SGS (Societe Generale de Surveillance) are two very crucial certificates that guarantee product quality. 

They ensure that the brands you are buying from have used high-quality manufacturing materials. Hence they are reliable and safe. 


I always emphasize brand value when it comes to my children. I am not saying you can not support new businesses, but whatever you are choosing must have an authority figure. 

Good brands never compromise on their quality and ensure the best facility for their customers.

Since there are a lot of technicalities going on in a stroller, I would always suggest you go for the best. If you are investing your money in something, make sure you are getting the best of it. 

Additional Caution 

No matter which stroller you choose, nothing is perfect. I am not saying you always have to remain nervous around your baby, but there are certain things you MUST NEVER do while keeping your infant in a stroller. 

Importance Of Foor Guard In A Stroller - When Can Babies Sit In A Stroller

Leaving them Alone

Leaving an infant unattended is never a good idea, especially if they are in a stroller. 

Putting Excess Load on Stroller Handle or Storage Basket

Never overload your baby’s stroller. Attaching a large stroller organizer, hanging your handbag, etc., can risk the stroller toppling over. The risk can increase if you are carrying a small (lightweight) baby in a stroller. 

Never Adjust

You should never adjust your stroller or try to maneuver it while keeping your baby in a stroller. Strollers are full of complex components, and trying to move them may hurt your child. 

Keep the Cover On

Never leave your baby without the canopy for too long. Protect your baby’s sensitive skin from the outside environment if you are out for a long time. 

Fasten the Seatbelts

Remember I talked about the importance of the five-point safety harness? Never forget to fasten them when your baby is in the stroller. It keeps your baby from moving and saves them from unexpected situations. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is A Bassinet Stroller Necessary?

Although it is not necessary, a Bassinet stroller is especially helpful for infants. These strollers are lightweight, have more storage room, have better safety features, and have a wider footrest for your baby. 

Bassinet Strollers Are Great For Infants - When Can Babies Sit In A Stroller

When Can A Baby Sit In A Jogging Stroller?

Jogging strollers usually do not have “infant-friendly” features. It is recommended that you put your baby in a jogging stroller when they can support their head, neck, and body without assistance (typically from month 6). 

Are Bassinet Strollers Safe For Newborns?

Bassinet Strollers are one of the safest stroller options for newborns. It is safe, and its appearance and features are suitable for carrying your infant. 

When Can A Baby Ride In A Stroller Without A Car Seat?

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that your baby must be over one year and weigh more than twenty pounds to be able to ride without a car seat. 

When Can Babies Sit Up In Stroller? 

Typically babies from six to eight months of age can sit up in a stroller. This number can be more or less for some babies depending on their growth and other biological factors. 


It is natural for parents to be concerned about their child’s safety. And double-checking everything is necessary. It will help if you talk to your doctor about your child and their needs. 

In the U.S., strollers are one of the reasons for Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SIDS). Hence selecting the safest and perfect model of the stroller has no alternative. At the end of the day, it is your call what you want for your child. And decide when can babies sit in a stroller. 

If you have decided to stroll your infant, choose a stroller that perfectly meets the standards. If not, wait for your baby to sit up on their own. Happy Parenting. XOX

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