When Is The Right Time To Start Using The Stroller? (Plus Safety Tips)

Are you a new parent? If so, one of the queries you might be asking is when is the right time to start using the stroller. 

If you have a young child and want to enjoy their company while keeping them safe, you may ask yourself this question. Well, it is the right time to start using a stroller when your baby is six months old.

Aside from when they can sit up on their own in an upright position, they are able to exert sufficient strength on their head and neck control.

The age, weight, activity level, and habits of your baby are just a few of the many variables that must be taken into account. You should listen to your intuition and do what appears to be best for you and your baby. 

Key Takeaways

It is suggested to wait at least four months after childbirth before using a stroller.

Employ a stroller when your baby can support the head and neck independently. Besides, they can sit up on their own heads. It is usually around six months old.

When using the stroller, make sure your baby is securely strapped in. Ensure the straps are fastened.

Umbrella strollers are lightweight and portable, with shoulder straps. On the other hand, a reclining seat on a compact stroller lets infants lie flat.

While purchasing a stroller, look for features like a 5-point harness, adjustable handlebars, reclining seat, lightweight, compact design, and good suspension based on the baby’s age and size.

When Should You Start Using A Stroller?

Consider your baby’s age and size when using a stroller. Newborns are unable to hold their heads up without assistance. So, a stroller is not recommended for them. It can be dangerous. 

Take into account the following guidelines deciding when is the right time to start using a stroller:

  • Use it as soon as your baby can sit up alone with reasonable head control in an upright position (usually around six months old).
  • For toddlers who can walk, strollers are not advised to use. Because if the stroller is not fastened correctly, your child may be able to escape from that place.

Make sure that daily walking sessions last at least 30 minutes and can be prolonged as necessary based on your baby’s age and developmental stage.

When Can A Baby Sit in The Stroller Seat?

Newborn babies aren’t developed properly to sit in the stroller after their birth. Physical growth and development vary from child to child. There are some essential requirements for transitioning the baby to a stroller:

1. When the baby turns six months old.

2. It is generally recommended to use a stroller at least four months following birth. This is because their neck control is not appropriately developed to support their heads. 

Furthermore, they still lack enough strength in their legs to lift themselves up and out of a fully reclined position. The right time to start using a stroller is when babies can fit in the stroller comfortably.

3. When the baby can sit up without assistance.

4. When the baby can hold their head up on their own.

4. When your infant is no longer comfortable in a car seat.

5.  However, if you want to use a stroller for your newborn baby, check this on youtube how to put your newborn baby in a stroller safely?

6. When the infant has grown too large to fit comfortably in a baby carrier.

What Type Of Stroller Is Suitable For Your Baby and When To Use Them?

There are many types of strollers available in the market. Here are some of the most popular types.

1. Umbrella or Lightweight Stroller

Umbrella or Lightweight Stroller - When Is The Right Time To Start Using The Stroller

Umbrella strollers are easier to navigate among all stroller types. You can use it on narrow streets, sidewalks, or small superstores. These strollers are lightweight and portable, with shoulder straps. Furthermore, you can fold it as an umbrella.

As it can fold easily, it becomes small and lightweight, so it is a good option for travel. If you want a quick trip, it can be your top choice. You can check out the Lightweight Stroller with Compact Fold for your baby right there.

When To Use:  You can start using an umbrella stroller for ages 6 months and up usually, when the baby can sit up on their own. 

2. Compact Baby Stroller or Infant Car Seat

Compact Baby Stroller or Infant Car Seat - When Is The Right Time To Start Using The Stroller

Portable or compact strollers are made to be portable. It makes the stroller easy to use. Their wheels and frames are smaller, which makes them more compact and lightweight. They have moveable handles that can be raised or lowered which helps the various heights of the parents. 

A reclining seat is available in this infant car seat, which eases the infants to lie flat. It. A sun canopy is offered to shield your baby from the scorching sun. Five-point  safety harness ensures the actual safety and well-being of your newborn.

Shoulder straps, crotch straps, and waist straps make the trip more comfortable. This light compact stroller seat also provides adjustable footrests. 

When to use: It is perfect for newborn babies. 

3. Full-Size or Regular Stroller Seat

Full-Size or Regular Stroller Seat - When Is The Right Time To Start Using The Stroller

Full-size strollers have the best functional and versatile features. A regular stroller seat enables your baby to snooze during long walks. Multiple recline positions are available. Handlebars are moveable and have a suspension system to absorb shocks and bumps.

Ample storage capacity to carry necessities. Handbrake and foot pedal can both be used in full-size babysitting. Wheels with air, foam, and solid rubber fillings make them easier to navigate. You can transform this Full Size Baby Stroller into a travel system stroller. It can be done simply by adding a bassinet attachment or car seats. 

When To Use: From infancy through toddlerhood.

4. Travel System Stroller

Travel System Stroller - When Is The Right Time To Start Using The Stroller

You can get three aspects of a travel system stroller. These are a stroller frame, an infant car seat, and a toddler seat. Stroller frames are designed to easily maneuver.

They are constructed of lightweight materials like magnesium or aluminum frame. Big wheels and suspension give you a pleasant ride in the travel system. It is a stand-alone stroller.

A five-point harness system is used to fasten the travel system seat. As it is a convertible stroller, you can swap the Nest Travel System Stroller to the toddler seat as your baby grows. The Chicco bravo stroller is a unique model for the travel system. 

When To Use: From infancy to toddlerhood.

5. Jogger Strollers

Jogger Strollers - When Is The Right Time To Start Using The Stroller

In order to give a comfortable ride over uneven terrain, they often include a three-wheel design, massive air-filled tires, and suspension.

Jogging strollers often have a three-wheel configuration. It provides better mobility and stability at higher speeds. The front wheel can either be fixed or swiveled for better control. 

Typically, jogging strollers have sizable air-filled tires that can endure rough terrain. A suspension system is common, which further enhances ride comfort and lessens the effect of bumps and uneven ground.

Moreover, certain models offer ergonomic grips to lessen hand fatigue. While jogging or running, the infant is kept safe and secure thanks to the 5-point harness system.

When to use: The baby must be at least 6 months to a year old.

What Things Should You Consider While Buying A Stroller?

Parents should be wise at stroller selection with safety features like a 5-point harness, adjustable handlebars, and decent suspension when it comes to buying the best stroller for a growing child. Moreover, you can watch this ‘‘5 Tips for Buying a GOOD Stroller’’.

It can assist you in evaluating the manufacturing quality and performance of most strollers. Here are some noteworthy things to take into account while buying a good stroller. 

  1. Baby’s age and size

Babies might need extra support, like a headrest or footrest, depending on their age and size. Many strollers are made for different age groups. So choose a stroller that is appropriate for your baby’s age.

  1. Type of terrain

Think about the terrain where you will use the stroller. If you intend to take walks on unpaved surfaces, A jogging stroller would work well with that surface because it has big wheels and suspension.
A small, lightweight stroller works well on sidewalks, restaurants as well as in super shops.

  1. Lifestyle

Assess the lifestyle for which you are going to use a stroller. If you have to take the stroller upstairs, then choose a stroller that is lightweight and simple to fold.
On the other hand, if you travel regularly with your baby, buy a small or compact stroller that fits in a vehicle trunk conveniently.

  1. Safety

Check for features that assist keep your kid secure, such as solid construction, functional brakes, and other amenities. 

  1. Size of the stroller

A well-sized stroller will be most comfortable for you and your baby both. If your transportation is small, a more compact model is a smart choice. A large wheel stroller makes your long walk session more delightful.

  1. Adjustable handle

Because not all parents are the same height, adjustable handlebars on strollers are crucial. An ergonomic and pleasant journey through public transportation thanks to an adjustable handlebar. 

Also, having the proper height ensures the stroller’s overall control and mobility. 

  1. Storage space

Parents need to carry a range of stuff when out and about with their infant, therefore storage space for strollers is crucial to take into account. 

Essentials like diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes, as well as a bag of groceries, toys, or blankets, can be stored in the huge storage basket located underneath the stroller’s seat. 

  1. Comfort

The most significant part of a stroller is its comfort. A soft seat, good shield, proper padding, and adjustable footrest of a stroller ensure the optimum comforts of your baby. 

  1. Features

Look for wonderful features that simplify your life, such as a big basket, diaper bag, cup holders, sun umbrella, and adjustable handlebars.

  1. Cost

Invest in a good stroller that is worth your money. 

Guidelines For Using A Stroller In Many Settings

  • Not all strollers are made to navigate rigid terrain. Check if the stroller is appropriate for your terrain or not.
  • Many parents who stay in the city area need to relocate the stroller often. They should use a stroller which is lightweight. Choosing a  collapsible stroller makes their ride more delightful. 
  • Add an additional layer of clothing for your baby. Because chilly or windy weather can become uncomfortable.
  • You should be aware of any obstacles that may be in your way.
  • Move the stroller slowly when you are in a hurry.
  • Put the sunshade or rain cover so that your baby can remain warm and shielded from unfavourable weather.
  • Ensure the straps are tight and your baby’s head is supported to make them secure.
  • Lock the stroller prior to beginning to push the stroller. 

Safety Measures  You Should Consider While Using A Stroller

Transferring your child to a stroller is a sensible approach. These are some safety practices to be mindful of when using a stroller. It ensures the well-being of your baby.  

  • Use the safety harness on the stroller. It is an integral feature of the safety mechanism of a stroller. It helps to keep the baby safe in place. 
  • Abide by all the manufacturer’s instructions and the manufacturer’s weight guidelines. It helps you to use it in the right way.
  • Before usage, inspect for any damage such as worn tires, broken or loose parts, etc. Avoid using any damaged stroller because it might bring danger to your baby.
  • Always use the brakes when the stroller is not used.
  • Avoid hanging heavy objects on the handlebars to ensure stroller safety. It can make the stroller unstable.
  • Choose the stroller for your terrain.
  • Moreover, make sure to watch over your baby at all times and never leave them unsupervised. 

Final Thoughts:

It is essential to make a conclusion about when is the right time to start using the stroller for your baby. Consider your baby’s age and size when you are going to make this decision. It is better if you consult with a pediatrician before you start using a stroller. 

The very first step towards sitting up on their own is lifting their head upright. Using the right stroller, your little one is kept safe and comfortable. So, you don’t have to wait too long to start your voyage with your baby. Choose the right stroller and explore the world with your youngster.

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