When Can You Take a Baby to the Beach | Enjoy the Sun, Sand, and Saltywater 

I still remember the first time we all went to the beach with my little bundle of joy. Although, as a new parent, I was anxious about my baby’s safety.  

Like every phase of a baby’s development, there is a right time to go to the beach. So When Can You Take a Baby to the Beach? As a beach lover myself, I was desperate to know the answer. 

Like always, I was indifferent to the voices around me and listened to the experts. With some research and a whole to-do list, our beach visit became a memory to cherish for a lifetime. Here is what to keep in mind before your baby’s first trip to the beach. 

What Is the Right Age to Take a Baby to the Beach?

As tempting as it sounds, taking a baby to the beach can misfire if you are not well prepared. When I was in this dilemma, I asked my pediatrician about it. 

Babies from newborn to five months of age are very sensitive and are more susceptible to diseases and skin problems. They can not regulate or maintain their body temperature and excessive heat or sunlight can be dangerous to them.

All pediatricians agree that the safe age to take a baby to the beach is six months. Children below that age have little melanin on their skin hence they are prone to sunburns.

Despite being a Thalassophile (beach lover), I waited six months to take my baby to the beach. Even if you take your baby to the beach after six months, make sure they are never under direct sunlight.

Beach Activities For Babies

You should always keep them inside their stroller, or you can also bring beach tents for their safety. However, taking babies to the beach as young as two or three months old is also safe, depending on the circumstances.

Consult your pediatrician before taking your baby to the beach. They can suggest what’s best for your baby according to their age, development, and health. 

Seeing the little toes getting the first splash of the wave is a core memory for parents. But make sure you are taking them at the right time of the day. 

If there are any beaches near you or a few miles away, you can take your baby to the beach for an evening walk or for a few hours of recreation. 

When is the Right Time to Take a Baby to the Beach? 

The sun is at its full power between 11 am to 3 pm. If you are planning to go to the beach, make sure you are coming back before 11 am or going after 3 pm. 

Even then, ensuring sun protection for babies at the beach has no alternative. You can choose baby-friendly beaches for more safety. Orchard Beach in Pelham Bay Park, the Bronx, is one of my favorite beaches to take my kids to. 

It is a few miles away from New York and offers amazing facilities for toddlers as well as big kids. It is a man-made beach and has calmer waves. 

Water Safety For Babies At The Beach

I love the fact that the beach has separate playing areas for kids of different age groups. Some more baby-friendly beaches near NYC are Rockaway Beach, Brighton Beach, and Wildwoods, to name a few. 

Important Beach Gear for Babies

If you have already decided to take your little one on a beach trip then never forget to take the must-haves with you. Make a list of things you have to take with you to the beach before the day arrives. Here is the list of essentials you must take and why. 

Beach Gear For Babies

Shade and Shelter:

I have already mentioned the importance of bringing shelter to the beach for your baby. Many prominent stroller companies make high-quality beach strollers.

If you already own a stroller with beach-friendly features e.g., a jogging stroller, you can take it with you to the beach or you can buy one that best fits your needs and budget. 

Go for a stroller with a UV-protected extendable canopy and wheel suspension. Strollers with large air-filled tires are also a huge plus point.

Go for strollers that are smaller in size. Bigger and bulkier strollers will be harder to stroll and might dig into the sand. Keep your baby’s age and weight in mind before choosing a stroller. 

Some stroller models, e.g., jogging strollers, are not appropriate for babies under six months. Also, make sure your stroller has ample storage space to carry other essentials.

Here is an article on the best stroller for sand- 10 Best Stroller For Beach Sand.

UV Protection:

Saving your baby from the ultraviolet rays of the sun is a must. Let alone kids, UV rays are extremely dangerous for grownups as well. Apply a sufficient amount of sunscreen on your child thirty minutes before they hit the beach. 

You can choose a mineral or a chemical sunscreen with at least SPF30. Reapply the sunscreen every two hours. Carry a spray sunscreen for easier reapplication. There are a variety of baby sunscreens available to choose from.

In addition to the sunscreen, I make sure my babies are wearing UV suits on the beach as advised by my pediatrician.

There are UV suits available in the market for all sizes of babies for both girls and boys. Buy a cool pair of sunglasses and a hat to further prepare them for a fun day on the beach. 

Note: Sunscreens (both mineral and chemical) are not suitable for babies under six months of age. 

Bring Towels, Wipes, and Napkins:

If you see any sign of excess heating in your toddler, dampen the towel and place it over their neck, head, or shoulder. 

The towel will also be helpful during cleaning off the sand. Babies can require a diaper change anytime and anywhere, so bringing wet wipes will always come in handy.

Beach Entertainment For Babies

Spare clothes and Diapers:

Needless to say, we moms always take spare clothes and diapers with us even during running errands. This hack is useful during beach trips as well.

When your baby is done playing, wash them up and change them into clean, lightweight, and comfortable clothes. And do I need to say why it is important to bring diapers? 

Beach Shoes

For your toddler, choose comfortable flip-flops to wear on the beach. Jelly shoes are also an alternative option. A comfortable waterproof shoe will keep their feet protected from the heat of the sand and any sharp object. 

Food and Hydration

Babies don’t sweat like us adults but they can get dehydrated due to heat. If your baby is breastfeeding make sure you are feeding your baby at regular intervals. 

For formula-feeding babies, bring a flask of warm water and formula and prepare the baby food from home in a safe and clean place. 

Bring snacks, juice, and water for toddlers and older babies. Since babies tend to get busy in beach activities they can get hungry or thirsty. Make sure you are offering them food and hydration. 

Baby Powder

Apply baby powder before bringing your baby into the sand. The powder makes it easy for you to clean afterward and sand does not easily linger on your baby’s skin. 

Inflatable Pool/Beach Toys

An inflatable pool is a useful beach toy. You can fill it up and use it for cleanup as well. If you think that the sea waves are too much for your baby, blow up the pool and let your kid play inside. You can bring other beach toys for more fun. 

Cleaning up Babies

Beach Blanket

Carry a beach blanket with you to avoid sandy bums for both you and your baby. Spread it out in the sand and let your baby play without getting sand in every corner of their body. 


If your baby is out of the stroller or tent, they still need shade. An umbrella will help you keep you and your baby safe from sand and sun. 


Speaking from my own experience, enjoying your baby’s first summer on a beach is the best feeling for a new parent. However, maintaining their safety and bringing the essentials is a must. 

Be careful about the stroller since your baby will be spending most of their time on it. Make sure you can wash your stroller after a beach trip to maintain hygiene.

Keep your baby away from the heat, and never forget to keep them hydrated. Make the first beach trip a happy memory. 

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