How to Get Mold Out of Fabric in a Stroller: 5 Easy Steps

If you love going on walks or trips with your baby, you know how vital it is to keep your stroller clean. But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you may find mold or mildew on your stroller’s fabric. 

This might happen if you store your stroller in a damp or dark spot or leave it wet after a rainy day or spill. Mold can be dangerous for your baby’s health. So, How to Get Mold Out of Fabric in a Stroller?

Don’t throw your stroller right away. I’ll demonstrate some quick and all-natural ways to remove mold from fabric in a stroller and make it look brand new. 

Is it Concerning If There’s Mold In My Stroller?

If you have ever stored your stroller in a damp or dark place, you may have noticed some black, green, or white spots or stains on the fabric. These are signs of mold, a type of fungus that grows on organic materials.

But why are they so concerning?

Mold can grow pretty quickly, and it’s really bad for your baby’s health.  Mold produces allergens, irritants, and sometimes toxic substances that can trigger allergic reactions, asthma attacks, skin rashes, eye irritation, coughing, wheezing, and even infections in some cases.

Keeping stroller in dark and humid spot helps mold grow

Besides health concerns, mold can also damage the stroller’s fabric and cause unpleasant odors. When I first discovered mold on our stroller, I remember the musty smell that seemed to follow us everywhere we went. It was embarrassing, and I knew I had to act fast to save the stroller and protect my daughter’s health.

The good news is that removing mold from a stroller is pretty easy. You just need to buy some stuff that I will mention in a bit and follow my guide. 

Identifying Mold on Your Stroller Fabric

I remember the first time I noticed those pesky black spots on my son’s stroller. However, you can easily identify and address this issue with a keen eye and a little knowledge.

But how do you know if your stroller fabric has mold? Here are some warning signs to look out for:

  • Bright spots or patches, such as black, green, white, or orange.
  • A musty or sour odor. It can be stronger or weaker.
  • Allergic reactions or breathing difficulties. 
  • Symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, wheezing, itching, or rashes while using the stroller.
Molds are black, green or white in color

What Causes Mold on Stroller Fabric?

Parenting is full of surprises – and not all of them are pleasant! One day, I was shocked to see black and green spots all over the fabric. It smelled musty and looked disgusting. This happened to my previous stroller, which I stored in the basement. 

Then I was on to find out what causes mold to grow on stroller fabric. These are some of the reasons you should look for:

Moisture: Mold needs moisture to grow. Whether it’s from rain, spilled drinks, or even a humid environment, dampness creates the perfect breeding ground for mold spores. 

In my case, I stored my stroller in the basement after a rainy day outing, which allowed moisture to accumulate on the fabric. The basement was not ventilated at all.

Dirt: Mold feeds on dirt and organic matter. Storing your stroller in a hot and humid area, such as a poorly ventilated garage, can encourage mold growth. 

Darkness: Mold prefers dark places, so storing your stroller in a closet, basement, garage, or car trunk can create a perfect environment for mold.

Luckily, I found a few affordable household items that let me get rid of the mold and restore my stroller. Now, let’s look at how to get out of a stroller mold.

Removing Mold from Stroller Fabric: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you’ve gained an idea of what triggers mold on stroller fabric and why it’s an issue, you may be thinking about how to get rid of it in a safe and effective way. I have tried out a number of ways to get mold out of stroller fabric.

I have divided this process into 5 easy steps, and you can get the most mold out of your stroller.

Step 1: Prepare Your Stroller 

Remove all loose parts and accessories from the stroller and any removable fabric parts if possible. To protect yourself from mold spores, put on gloves and a mask.

Step 2: Use a Mold-Killing Solution

You can select one of them or a natural mold-killing remedy like white vinegar. RMR-86 Instant Mold and Mildew Stain Remover Spray is one item I’ve found works well. 

White Vinegar works well on removing mold

Step 3: Scrub the Affected Areas

Gently scrub the moldy areas with a soft-bristled brush or an old toothbrush to remove mold from the fabric. You can use the OXO Good Grips Deep Clean Brush Set for this job. 

Step 4: Rinse and Dry the Stroller Fabric

Rinse the fabric with water after scrubbing to remove any leftovers. If you’ve separated any fabric pieces, wash them based on the manufacturer’s instructions. 

To prevent mold regrowth, thoroughly dry the fabric. Microfiber cloth works great in this case. You can try Zwipes Microfiber Cleaning Cloths for the best results.

Step 5: Reassemble the Stroller

Reattach any fabric pieces or accessories you removed earlier once the fabric is completely dry. Before using the stroller again, double-check that all mold has been gone.

This step-by-step guide saved my daughter’s stroller and helped me maintain my son’s stroller mold-free.

Different Ways to Remove Mold From Stroller

Now let’s get familiar with the options you have in your hand. These are some of the most used ways to remove mold from a stroller:

White Vinegar Solution

This method is one of the most common and most effective. In a spray bottle, mix equal parts water and white vinegar. Apply to mold areas and scrub with a soft brush. One of my friends told me that Heinz Cleaning Vinegar worked great for this.

Baking Soda Paste

Another great natural mold remover is baking soda. Make a paste out of water and baking soda, put it on the infected areas, and brush lightly. For best results, I recommend Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is another natural mold remover. Combine a mixture of water and lemon juice and spray it on the mold before scrubbing. I found that ReaLemon 100% Lemon Juice worked brilliantly.

Commercial Mold Removers

Use a commercial mold remover if you want a more powerful ready-made solution. RMR-86 Instant Mold & Mildew Stain Remover is a powerful and simple-to-use solution that I used.


You might have to use bleach to clean your stroller if natural cleaning solutions aren’t working that great. Use a sponge and a cup of bleach to immediately treat the stains on the stroller’s cloth to remove mold.

If natural solutions fail, Use Bleach to remove mold

How to Get Mildew out from the Fabric in the Stroller  

Let’s get real. Nothing sends shivers down your spine when you find mildew on your favorite stroller. I’ve been there, and I’m here to share my tried-and-true mildew removal method.

  • First, move the stroller outside. 
  • Combine one part white vinegar with two parts water to make a solution. This natural solution is my preferred method because it is gentle on the fabric and safe for children.
  • Scrub the affected areas gently with a soft brush. Allow it to sit for an hour. 
  • Rinse the stroller thoroughly with clean water and allow it to dry completely in the sun. The UV rays will also help to kill the mildew spores. 

That’s it! The stroller is now ready for many more adventures after you remove the mildew threat.

How to Clean the Canopy Fabric of the Stroller

Cleaning your stroller’s canopy fabric is just as important as maintaining the seat fabric. After all, it’s always out in the weather and can accumulate dust, dirt, and even mold.

  • To make cleaning easier, remove the canopy from the stroller frame. With a soft brush, gently scrub the canopy fabric.
  • Don’t ignore cleaning the underside. 
  • Thoroughly rinse the canopy with clean water.
  • Finally, let the canopy dry completely outside.

What If The Stroller’s Fabric Is Non-Removable?

Cleaning a non-removable stroller fabric can seem to be a daunting task, but it’s not that hard. On a sunny day, my daughter’s ice cream dripped all over the new stroller, and guess what? The fabric was non-removable! However, I managed to clean it.

  • Vacuum the fabric to get rid of any loose dirt or debris.
  • In a bucket or a bowl, mix warm water and mild soap. You can also use white vinegar or baking soda to help eliminate odors and stains.
  • Gently wipe the fabric with a cloth dipped in soap solution.
  • Scrub any tough stains or mildew spots on the fabric with a soft toothbrush or a stain remover. 
  • You can also use lemon juice or salt to help bleach out the stains and kill the mildew spores.
  • Rinse the fabric thoroughly with clean water and allow it to air dry completely. 
Clean your stroller canopy well

Preventing Mold Growth in Your Stroller

Now that you know how to remove mold from stroller fabric, you might wonder how to keep it from returning. After all, you probably don’t want to have to clean your stroller every time you use it. 

To avoid mold, keep your stroller dry and well-ventilated

Fortunately, you can take some simple steps to keep your stroller free of mold and fresh. Here are some of the tips:

  • Keep your stroller in a dry, well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent fabric fading and plastic damage.
  • Regularly clean your stroller. Use a damp cloth and mild soap to clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, and spills. 
  • After cleaning or using your stroller, make sure it is completely dry. Don’t fold or store your stroller until it’s dry to avoid trapping moisture and mold. 
  • Protect your stroller from rain and moisture. 

Pro tip: Use a waterproof stroller cover whenever you’re caught in the rain or dealing with damp conditions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Do You Get Mold Out of a Stroller Seat?

Fill a spray bottle with a mixture of two parts water and eight parts white vinegar. Spray this on the baby car seat or stroller’s moldy surfaces. Allow the solution to sink into the fabric and completely dry. Vacuum and air-dry the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes.

2. What Cleaner Kills Mold on Fabric?

Fill an empty spray bottle halfway with white vinegar and water. Soak the moldy fabric in vinegar for five minutes if there is a stain. Then wash the part and air dry.

3. What Causes Mold to Grow On Stroller Fabric?

Mold grows on stroller fabrics when they are wet, warm, and have organic material on them. This can happen if the item is stored wrong, gets wet or humid, or isn’t cleaned often enough.

4. How Often Should I Clean and Inspect My Stroller for Mold?

Clean your bike often based on how often you use it and how often it gets wet. At least once a month, check it for mold and take necessary measures if necessary.

5. How Do I Use Vinegar to Remove Mold From Stroller Fabric?

Vinegar kills and cleans mold. In a spray bottle, mix one-part white vinegar with one part water to eliminate mold from the stroller cloth. Spray the affected stroller fabric with vinegar until it is soaked. Wait 15 minutes before cleansing with a soft brush or towel. Clean with warm water and dry in the sun.

The Bottom Line

Now you know How to Get Mold Out of Fabric in a Stroller. Mold growing on your stroller’s fabric doesn’t have to be a nightmare. 

Always remember that prevention is always better than cure. You can prevent mold with regular upkeep, cleaning, and proper storage. 

Don’t freak out if you come upon mold! You can make your stroller look like new again with the right tools.

More Resources

Do I Need a Bassinet Stroller? Pros and Cons

How to Make Grocery Shopping with a Stroller Easier

Which Way Should Baby Face in Stroller: Safety and Comfort Considerations

Are Baby Strollers Allowed on Airplanes?

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