Leaving Baby with Grandparents: Is It OK for a Week?

Last year I got an invitation to a conference in another city. I had to stay there for a whole week, and there was no one to look after my children.

Although my parents offer help and often tell me to leave my children with them while I unwind. But I never entertained the idea. 

Is It Ok To Leave Baby With Grandparents For A Week

But this time, my husband couldn’t take leave from his office, and my younger child was too young for daycare, so I turned to my parents for help. 

It got me thinking, Is it ok to leave the baby with grandparents for a week? The thought of leaving my baby at my parent’s home for a week was intimidating. Hence I researched all the pros and cons and came to a conclusion. 

Pros of Leaving the Baby With Grandparents

There is no harm in trusting experienced individuals who have already done the job multiple times. But as parents, it is natural to go through separation anxiety, especially if it is the first time away from your child. 

I started to explore the advantages of leaving my baby with their grandparents a month before I had to decide. I wanted to feel assured before getting worried about the cons. Here is how leaving a baby with grandparents for a week can be useful. 

Building Stronger Family Bonds

Busy parents nowadays don’t have the time or energy to spend an adequate amount of time with their children. Although I work from home, I see this happening with my friends and even my husband. 

Children require attention. Since most of our parents have a flexible schedule or are even retired, they can provide one-on-one attention to their grandchild.

When I was leaving the city for a week, I knew my parents would give my child the utmost time and attention in my absence which I could never get elsewhere. 

Leisure Time for Busy Parents

Even if it is not a compulsion, you can leave your child with their grandparents to revive and refresh. You can go to the salon and get some “me time.” You and your partner can go out on a date or take a weekend off to go somewhere away from the work hassles. 

If you have something big coming up like I did, leaving your child with your parents can take a lot of worry off your shoulder. My parents live in the same city which allowed my husband to visit our child as well. 

Advantages of Leaving Baby With Grandparents

Allows Baby to Explore

Living in one place with the same people can limit your child’s thought process. Allowing your baby to live outside their usual surroundings will help them explore the world around them.

It will be recreational for your baby, and they will learn to live without completely relying on their parents. 

Creating Memories

Bonding with grandparents is an amazing part of our childhood. The memories, long walks, and shared experiences are some of the best parts of our lives. Allow your child to do the same. 

Let your child go on walks with their grandparents. Arrange a safe and comfortable outdoor experience for both of them by providing adequate equipment.

Choose a good quality stroller that will provide optimal support and comfort for your child as well as their grandparents. Along with this, pack your baby’s water bottle, feeding bottle, diaper, wipes, pacifier, and other essentials.

Cons of Leaving the Baby With Grandparents

Both babies and grandparents enjoy spending time with each other. However, there can be possible downsides to leaving your baby with their grandparents.

Some of our parents might not be physically fit or prepared to take the responsibility. Similarly, children might not be prepared to live without their parents as well. Here is what to look for before leaving your baby with their grandparents.

Safety Concerns

It is not only about grandparents; accidents can happen to anyone at any time. But when the child is away from their parents, it can cause them great agony. Ensuring children’s safety, especially when they are with their grandparents, is essential.

Make sure the house they will be staying in the week is baby proofed. Keeping medicine and other dangerous elements away from their reach is also important.

Ensure Baby's Safety

Explain to your parents how to clean the bottles and toys to avoid contamination. The latest baby equipment can be difficult to operate. Leave an instruction note or the user manual for better understanding.

Conflicting Parenting Styles

I do not follow the parenting style in which I grew up. My husband and I have decided to bring up our children according to our understanding.

Changing a child’s atmosphere and parenting style can make it difficult for them to cope. Changing your child’s current routine might also cause trouble in their daily life. If you are leaving your baby with their grandparents, make a chart of your baby’s timetable.

Disrupting their regular routine can cause sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, irritability, and other problems. Make a list of their food habits as well.

How many meals they take, if they are allergic to anything, sleep schedule, bath routine, baby care items, medicine (if they are taking any), everything needs to be taken care of while planning the week.

Emotional Attachment

Some children are particularly attached to their parents. If you see that your baby does not react nicely to the change, it is best not to leave them anywhere without your presence.

You can visit your parents’ home with your child before leaving them alone for a whole week. Let your baby get accustomed to the home and its people.

You can also explain to your child beforehand why and when you leave them with their grandparents.

Grandparents’ Wellbeing

In addition to ensuring your child’s safety, grandparents’ safety is also a crucial aspect to consider. Not everyone’s grandparents remain fit to take such a great responsibility for caring for a child. 

Grandparents' Wellbeing Is Crucial

A child requires constant care and attention, which can be difficult to provide if their grandparents are not healthy. Only consider keeping your baby at their grandparents if they are perfectly healthy and can provide for your baby for a week. 

Tips for Leaving Baby With Grandparents for a Week

So you have decided to keep your baby with their grandparents for a week. The next step for you will be to arrange everything for the grandparents so that babysitting requires less effort. 

As parents, you will know better what your baby needs in their day-to-day life. Arranging other essentials for your baby for the week is also important. Here is what to keep in mind before leaving the baby with grandparents for a week. 

Tips for Leaving Baby With Grandparents for a Week

Baby Products

Babies require a lot of products. From bath products and cleaning items to food. The list goes on and on. Here is what to pack. 

  • Bath products,
  • Clothes,
  • Diapers,
  • Wipes,
  • Formula,
  • Skincare,
  • Stroller,
  • Towels and napkins,
  • Blanket,
  • Medicines,
  • Pillow, etc. 

Provide Instructions

Make a note of all the important information about your baby. You can write about their sleep and meal schedules and even write a few simple meal recipes they love. Some children are fussy eaters, so it is a must for them. 

You can also write about how to calm them down if they get cranky. Also, provide information about the medicines if they are taking any. Consult your pediatrician and write down some basic medicine in case they get allergies, fever, or a cold. 

Check-in Regularly

No matter how much we take care of everything, grandparents may need help. Call regularly to check in with your little one. You can video call them for assurance. Check if everything is under control and also provide solutions if they face any trouble. 

Final Word

So is it ok to leave the baby with grandparents for a week? For me, it’s a yes. My baby had a great week with his grandparents while I excelled in my conference.

It was a win for all. I made sure I planned the week properly, checked in on my child, and monitored every situation. 

Turning to parents in times of need has been in our DNA. But the habit diminishes as we get older and become parents ourselves. 

However, I feel if both the grandparents are healthy and active, you can count on them. Parenting is not about weighing yourself down with responsibilities. Enjoy the phase and take time out whenever necessary. 

More Resources

How Old Should A Baby Be To Stay Overnight With Grandparents

What Do Grandparents Traditionally Buy For New Baby

12 Best Strollers for Grandparents: To Make Your Life Easier

9 Best Car Seats for Grandparents in 2023: Safety Meets Convenience

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