What Is A Wagon Stroller And Why You Might Need One

If you are like me and like to add strollers to your collection, a wagon stroller is a great addition. If you have already added a jogging stroller, umbrella stroller, and all terrain stroller to your collection, why not the wagon stroller?

This is peak parenting status. By the way, do you know What Is a Wagon Stroller and who likes wagon strollers more?
The parents.

But it will also be adored by your children because the area to play in this simply is entertaining. If you have two or kore children and also want to keep the baby items, the wagon stroller checks the list.

I have tried around 8 different wagon strollers and will be talking about their history a bit, benefits, drawbacks, and suggest you some wagons if you are into it.

Looks convincing? Well, then, read on.

What Is a Wagon Stroller?

Wagon strollers are the new cool kid on the block in the world of baby gear. If you’re thinking, “What is a wagon stroller?” let me explain. 

A wagon stroller is a four-wheeled stroller that combines the best features of a traditional stroller and a pull wagon and puts them all together in one very useful package. These strollers are significantly larger than the regular stroller or even double strollers.

A wagon stroller is a four wheeled wagon

A wagon stroller is a vehicle for your children that mixes the portability and control of a stroller with the simplicity and historical beauty of a wagon. Parents aren’t the only ones who like them; kids also do. Especially older ones who want a break from the typical ride.

Boasting supreme functionality, wagon strollers are equipped to make your life easier. Need to run errands with your kiddos in tow? No problem. 

Planning a trip to the beach or park? Sorted. 

Their storage space is nothing short of impressive, and you can fit diaper bags and snacks into your favorite toys.

The Evolution of Wagon Strollers

I have said that the wagon stroller is the new addition to the stroller family. Actually, it’s been here quite a while. Today’s wagon stroller looks very similar to the classic red pull wagon. 

Old wagons were simply pull-along vehicles for children, with no bells and whistles. Nowadays, wagon strollers are the Swiss Army Knife for your kid’s transportation.

Today’s wagon strollers are added more features and functionality that leave old-school wagons in the dust.

Why You Might Need a Wagon Stroller

Many parents often think they do not need a wagon stroller. As their family grows, they tend to realize its importance.

I have seen the wagon stroller first at the park. At first, I wasn’t sure what it was, but it seemed interesting. And then I said to myself, “Do I need one of those”

And now, here I am writing about why do you need a wagon stroller. Well, let’s break it down.

The first thing why you might need about a wagon stroller is the space it provides. If you have a twin or more children, a wagon stroller is perfect. It’s roomy. It’s comfortable. You can take diapers, snacks, and other baby items when you are on a trip with your children.

Wagon stroller provides ample space

If you love hiking, fishing, camping, or any other outdoor activities, wagon strollers are a great choice. Evenflo Pivot Xplore all terrain wagon lets you cruise any path without hassle.

If you are short in space in your house, a wagon stroller will save you. If you have more than one child, you don’t have to buy one more stroller. Keenz XC will save you space and money by doing the work of two strollers alone. 

Also, foldable wagon strollers like the Larktale Caravan are easy to store in your home, garage, and basement.

One thing I like the most about a wagon stroller is that your older kid can use it too. You can use them (like a cart) even after your kids outgrow them. 

Drawbacks of a Wagon Stroller

Wagon strollers give so much facility alongside doing 2 strollers work on their own. They are like a Swiss army knives for strollers. Here are something wagon strollers that do not do so well-

  • Wagon strollers are heavy and bulky. So, carrying them or putting them in the car trunk is a lot of work.
  • They are restricted in some places. For their huge size, wagon strollers may not be permitted in museums or airplanes.
  • They are not a good fit for newborns. Wagon strollers are made mainly for toddlers who are old enough to sit up and hold their heads up. 
  • They are difficult to maneuver. Wagon strollers have four big wheels that can handle different terrains, but they might need to be more maneuverable or quick.
Wagon strollers can be heavy and bulky

Wagon Strollers Vs Regular Strollers

Many parents buy two regular strollers instead of buying one wagon stroller. I know everyone’s choice is different. But I do not buy the option. Here’s my take on why you should buy a wagon stroller instead of multiple full sized regular strollers.


Wagon stroller clearly wins this round with the regular stroller. Whether you need to keep baby clothes or baby items, the wagon stroller has got you covered.


Wagon strollers are more focused on comfort and durability. The regular stroller is more focused on its lightweightness and quick trips.


You might think wagon strollers are harder to handle, but that’s not always true. Yeah, the wagon stroller is the elephant in the room, but surprisingly maneuvering them in tight space is great. Veer Cruiser wagon stroller is such an example.

Regular strollers come in smaller factors, but sometimes handling them is a nightmare.


Regular strollers are more focused on certain age factors. It means you may need to change your stroller as your child grows.
But the wagon stroller can grow with your family and accommodate multiple kids. 

Wagon strollers can sustain a long time

Top Wagon Stroller

If you have come to this point, I assume you are pretty interested in a wagon stroller and making up your mind to buy one. These are my 5 wagon stroller that includes both comfort and convenience-

The Veer Cruiser: This is a luxurious choice great all-terrain stroller that combines a robust build and smooth ride.

Evenflo Pivot Xplore All-Terrain Stroller Wagon: It offers fantastic versatility, easily switching from a push to a pull stroller.

Radio Flyer 3-In-1 Tailgater Wagon: This budget-friendly model offers versatility with a drop-down side for easy loading and unloading.

Wonderfold Wagon Multi-Function Stroller: This stroller offers seating for up to four children and has a unique self-boarding feature.

Keenz 7S Stroller Wagon: This model stands out with its premium features, such as a cooler, cup holder, and canopy.

You can read this dedicated blog of 7 Best Wagon Stroller to find a perfect wagon stroller. 

How to Maintain and Clean Your Wagon Stroller

As you can keep your wagon stroller to carry your children and beyond, you may have to look for them and maintain and clean them in a proper way so they don’t wear out. A wagon stroller can last upto 5 years. 

Keep our wagon stroller clean periodically

To keep them intact beyond this age range, check out the following tips-

  • Regularly check your wagon stroller, like screws, fasteners, and moving parts, for any signs of wear or damage. 
  • Clean the fabric components often to keep them looking fresh. Most stroller fabrics are removable and machine washable. 
  • Clean the stroller’s frame with a soft, damp cloth.
  • Apply a safe, non-toxic lubricant to the moving parts of the stroller.
  • Keep the stroller canopy clean and folded when not in use.
  • Regularly check the seat belts and harnesses for any signs of wear or fraying. 
  • Store your stroller in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can You Bring a Wagon Instead of a Stroller on a Plane?

Yes, but it greatly depends on the airline’s policy. Typically, strollers are checked at the gate or during check-in, and wagon strollers should follow a similar protocol. However, it’s always a good idea to check with your specific airline before you travel.

2. Are Stroller Wagons Worth It?

Stroller wagons can be a fantastic investment, particularly for families with multiple young children. They offer ample space for both kids and their belongings, and they typically handle uneven terrain better than traditional strollers. However, consider your specific needs, budget, and lifestyle before deciding.

3. Can You Take a Wagon Stroller to Disneyland?

As of May 1, 2019, Disneyland has implemented a policy that restricts certain stroller sizes, including wagon strollers. The stroller must be no larger than 31″ (79cm) wide and 52″ (132cm) long, so be sure to check your stroller’s dimensions before you go.

4. What Is the Difference Between a Stroller Wagon and a Double Stroller?

While both can accommodate two children, a stroller wagon typically has a more spacious interior and a pull handle, and it’s designed to manage various terrains. In contrast, a double stroller has a push handle, is often more compact and maneuverable, and may offer more comfort features like reclining seats and adjustable canopies.

5. What Is the Weight Limit for Wagon Strollers?

The weight limit for wagon strollers varies depending on the model and brand. Most wagon strollers can accommodate between 70 to 150 pounds. Always


I have mentioned everything there was to know in “What Is a Wagon Stroller.” The wagon stroller is the perfect mix of comfort and flexibility that will give you many benefits whether you are on a trip with your family.
I have mentioned the pros and cons of wagon strollers. If you are considering buying one, you can check out my suggestions. If you already have one and want it to last long, follow my tips on maintaining wagon strollers.  

More Resources

Tandem Strollers 101

Do You Need A Bassinet For Your Baby?

Umbrella Stroller Vs Regular Stroller

Why Are Strollers So Expensive

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