How To Choose A Stroller (8 Factors To Consider)

Do you have a newborn, or are you expecting one soon? I have two children, and I know this time can be overwhelming for parents with so many things to do. Buying a stroller was the most important part of this period. But how to choose a stroller with so many options available? 

I have been there and struggled with making a proper decision on time. Therefore, I prepared this guide so that you can buy a stroller without overthinking. 

Types of Strollers 

First, let’s look at the type of strollers we have in the market. There are many types of strollers, and I have listed the most popular types. 

  • Umbrella strollers are easy to transport and store. These strollers are ideal for flying with little ones because they can be folded up to fit in overhead bins or stored in the trunk of a car. However, their little stature may render them unfit for use on extended treks in rugged terrain.
  • Jogging strollers were created for parents who are physically active and still want to be able to take their children with them when they go for a jog or a run. They’re equipped with three wheels for increased stability and maneuverability over tough terrain.
  • Lightweight strollers resemble umbrella strollers, but they include more luxurious amenities like reclining seats, a movable canopy, a storage basket, etc. These strollers can be used for infants all the way up to toddlerhood.
  • Travel systems integrate an infant car seat with a standard stroller frame, allowing for the smooth transfer of a sleeping baby from the automobile.
  • Convertible strollers allow you to save money in the long run by transitioning from an infant pram-style carriage to a toddler-friendly upright seat position.

Understanding Your Needs

There are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for a stroller. One of the most crucial is learning what you and your kid actually need based on factors like age and routine.

Look for a stroller that can recline completely or includes a bassinet attachment for your newborn. Your infant can relax in a flat position and sleep soundly as you stroll. Learn more about the bassinet stroller

A jogging stroller could be the ideal baby gear for someone who is often on the go. Off-road strollers are equipped with huge wheels and suspension systems.

On the other hand, if space is at a premium in your home or car, then lightweight or umbrella strollers may be more suitable options for you. These are typically compact and easy to fold up when not in use.

Additionally, think about how often you plan on using the stroller and where you’ll be taking it. If public transportation is part of your routine, then portability should be one of your top priorities.

8 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Stroller

Now you know about strollers. Let’s discuss the factors you must consider before buying your first stroller.  

1. Safety Considerations

Strollers are vehicles to transport your little angel. Therefore, you don’t want to take any risk – right?  Fortunately, most strollers from top brands come with a higher degree of safety measures. 

The first safety feature you should consider is the harness system. Some umbrella strollers come with a three-harness system. But for optimum security, I will suggest a five-point harness system. 

Moreover, the harness should have straps over both shoulders and straps over the legs. 

The next important safety feature is the braking system. You should be able to engage, and disengage breaks with your hand or foot. 

These are the most important two safety cautions you should consider before choosing a stroller and buying it. 

2. Comfort and Convenience Features

Strollers should be comfortable for your baby

You should prioritize the stroller’s comfort for your child over anything else. 

A vehicle is not comfy unless it has seats that are well-padded and supportive. 

You should provide your baby’s neck, back, and head the utmost care and support by selecting a stroller that has a seat that is soft and well-padded.

You may customize your comfort level by adding adjustable footrests to your chair. 

Several models of strollers provide handles that may be adjusted to accommodate parents of varied heights. 

Both parents may easily push the stroller without risking injury to their shoulders or backs.

Cup holders are another convenience feature worth considering in a good quality Stroller – making it easy for parents on the go who need quick access to drinks or water bottles whilst pushing their little ones around town!

Many modern-day Strollers now include storage compartments underneath so busy moms (and dads) don’t have to carry diaper bags separately. 

3. Maneuverability and Durability

If you reside in a region with bumpy roads or sidewalks, the stroller’s ability to glide over these obstacles will be a welcome relief. 

On the other side, a product’s durability guarantees that it won’t break down for years to come.

The size of the wheels is a crucial aspect of the vehicle’s maneuverability. 

Larger wheels have a higher clearance from the ground and roll smoothly over bumps and cracks on pavements, while small wheels may get stuck easily. 

Additionally, some models come with swivel front wheels that provide better control when turning corners.

Another factor affecting durability is the quality of build materials used in construction, like aluminum frames which are lightweight yet sturdy enough to support heavy loads such as diaper bags or groceries.

Moreover, adjustable handlebars add flexibility by accommodating different heights comfortably, making long walks pleasant experiences for tall parents too!

4. Size, Weight, and Portability

Stroller should be easy to handle

If you intend to take the stroller on public transportation or lift it up and down flights of stairs, you should think carefully about its total dimensions and weight.

Parents who want a stroller they can easily raise with one hand while still holding their infant should look for a lightweight model. These strollers are designed to be maneuvered with ease in confined locations like grocery shops and on crowded sidewalks.

On the other hand, a heavier model may be preferable if you need something that is more sturdy and can manage tough terrains like uneven roads or gravel trails. 

Remember that larger strollers can be cumbersome and difficult to maneuver in busy situations.

Consider the stroller’s portability when making your final decision. 

If you frequently travel by car or plane with your little one, look for models that fold up quickly and take up minimal space during transit without compromising comfort level.

Always consider where and how often you will use your baby’s ride before making any purchases. Choose wisely based on what works best for both parent(s) and child(ren).

5. Storage Space

Having a lot of room for your belongings is crucial if you enjoy going on long walks or doing a lot of shopping. Try to find strollers that have huge storage baskets beneath the seat or that have bags that can be removed.

You might also choose a stroller that includes extra storage space in the form of pockets or a basket close to the handlebars. You can use them to keep your child’s snacks, keys, phone, and wallet safe.

You should also think about how simple it is to fold the stroller and how much space it takes up when folded. 

Strollers with adjustable handles allow parents of different heights (or those pushing with one hand) more flexibility when maneuvering crowded spaces.

Having adequate storage space helps make life easier for both parents and children during outings. So don’t overlook this factor when making your final decision on which stroller to buy!

6. User Reviews and Recommendations

Read users review before buying a stroller

When shopping for a stroller, it’s crucial to take into account user ratings and recommendations. 

You may learn a lot about the benefits and drawbacks of various strollers by reading reviews online. Read both the positive and negative reviews when seeking for user input.

You may learn more about a stroller’s advantages and drawbacks by reading both positive and negative reviews. It’s important to remember that some critiques may be too generalized to apply to your situation.

Budget and Pricing Options

There are a wide variety of options available at different price points, so it’s important to determine how much you’re willing and able to spend before making a decision. Sometimes strollers can be very expensive

One thing to keep in mind is that while some strollers may seem expensive upfront, they can end up saving you money in the long run if they last longer or have additional features that you find useful. 

On the other hand, cheaper options may be more affordable initially but could end up costing more over time due to repairs or replacements. The best way is to find one in between. There are many top brands out there that produce strollers at a reasonable price. 

7. Accessorizing Your Stroller

You may improve the usefulness and aesthetics of your stroller by purchasing additional accessories. 

Cup holders and toy bars are just two examples of the many types of accessories you can buy today. Take a look at this list for some standard stroller add-ons:

Attaching a parent console will keep everything you need within easy reach if you enjoy taking long walks with your kid. Keys, phones, and water bottles are just some of the things you can put away.

A stroller travel bag is another useful item to have while going on a trip. This will keep the stroller safe on an airplane and make it convenient to transport.

With the help of a diaper bag hook, you can secure extra bags to the handlebar and go about your day without losing anything.

Specific jogging strollers are available for parents who like jogging with their babies because of their increased stability and safety features, especially at higher speeds. If you are a regular jogger, you might also like a fitness tracker

8. Tips for Choosing A Good Stroller

You can pick from a wide variety of strollers on the market nowadays for your infant or toddler. 

However, not every stroller is the same, and it can be difficult to narrow down your options to find the best one. You can find a nice stroller that fits your needs by following these guidelines.

Before purchasing a stroller, think about the kind of surfaces you’ll regularly be traversing. 

Lightweight strollers, such as umbrella strollers, may be preferable if you reside in a city with paved sidewalks and roadways. The needs of an active family who enjoys hiking with a baby and other outdoor pursuits may be better met by a jogging stroller.

Look for features like solid straps and brakes that will keep you safe before you buy it. Ideally, you would find a device with a harness that can be adjusted as your child develops.

Third, consider the stroller’s ease of use in confined locations and high-traffic areas like malls and airports. You don’t want some bulky machine that’s a pain to move about or put away.

Depending on your needs, you should also think about whether or not the stroller has a reclining seat, cup holders for the parents’ drinks and accessories, an under-the-seat storage area for diaper bags and snacks on long trips outside the house, and a fabric that is easy to clean.

Final Words

Remember that strollers are not a one-size-fits-all solution; everyone has their own unique situation. Therefore take your time when selecting the best stroller for both your baby’s comfort and convenience.

I hope this guide has helped provide useful information on how to choose a stroller. With these tips in mind, hopefully, you’ll find yourself purchasing just the right one for both your child’s comfort and ease of use!

More Resources

Difference Between Pram And Stroller

Jogging Stroller Vs Regular Stroller

Bassinet Stroller vs. Regular Stroller

The Pros and Cons of Double Strollers

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