Parts Of A Stroller And Features You Must Know

You know what strollers are, how they work, and how you can use them. But have you ever thought about the parts of a stroller and how they contribute to its functionality?

Every stroller is built differently. Like the jogging stroller has a suspension system, the wagon stroller has four wheels compared to the three wheels of a regular stroller.

If you use your stroller daily, get to know the parts of a stroller that will let you do more. It will also enable you to make the right choice while buying a stroller.

Let’s look at the parts of a stroller, the features of a stroller, and how to maintain these parts.

Essential Parts of a Stroller

A baby stroller is all about different parts assembled to work together. Take a look at these different parts of a stroller, and I will show you how this knowledge can help you make an informed decision when you buy a stroller.

Parts Of A Stroller


Let’s start with the wheels. Wheels maintain how fast or slow your stroller will travel on the ground. Wheels are of different types in different strollers.

If you are in the stroller market, you’ll see some strollers come with swivel front wheels while others offer air-filled tires. They ensure good handling and smooth riding. If you want more performance, like strolling through the uneven ground, all-terrain wheel strollers are the best.

Frame and Chassis

The frame is the skeleton of a baby stroller. They are usually made of steel and aluminum, which are lightweight and durable. It is a critical part as it indicates the stroller’s weight and durability. What you should look for is a sturdy yet lightweight frame and chassis.

Harness System

The harness system is crucial for the baby’s safety. It consists of five steps. Two are located at the shoulders, two at the hips, and one at the crotch all come to connect to a buckle release mechanism. Over 80%of of the stroller comes with a 5-point harness system. 

This system gives maximum protection to a baby in the stroller. This harness system can be adjusted with adjustable straps. Over 80% of the stroller comes with a 5-point harness system. 


The handlebar is the steering in your stroller. Some strollers have adjustable handlebar bars for tall or short parents. It’s a great addition if you and your partner have a height difference.

The handlebar is the steering in your stroller


Brakes are another very crucial stroller part. Some strollers provide both wheels brakes for a secure halt, or some offer hand brakes for instant control. Go for a hand operated or one foot break so you don’t have to break a sweat while it’s necessary.


The canopy or umbrella is a cover in your stroller that you can easily fold. This part of the stroller protects your baby from sun, wind, or rain. 

Storage Basket

One of the most wanted feature in a stroller is the storage basket. The bigger the storage, the better it is. You need to take a lot of equipment with you while you are out with your baby.  So, larger storage makes everything better in this situation.

Suspension System

Going through rough terrain? A good suspension system in your stroller will make your ride most comfortable. The suspension system does it by absorbing the shock of the stroller. Not every stroller has this part. So, if you go out on uneven ground too much, you will find this feature handy.

Good suspension system makes your ride excellent

Various Features of a Stroller

As we have gone through the different parts of a stroller, we will now look at the different types of features that come with strollers. Remember, every stroller doesn’t have these features.

Seat Recline Feature

Some parents don’t give much importance to the seat reclining feature. I hope you are not one of them. If you have an infant, this is a very crucial feature as it they cannot support their head.
Besides these, reclining seats give much comfort to your child. So going for a long ride with your child? No problem.

Rain Cover

We can’t control the weather, but a good rain cover can keep your child dry and comfortable in a sudden downpour. A rain cover is not the most common feature in a stroller, but it can be your lifesaver in unpredictable weather conditions.

Cup Holder

Cannot start the day without a cup of coffee? The stroller cup holder is here to hold your coffee. Moreover, to keep your baby hydrated, you can keep a bottle within their reach. You might think this a minor feature, but it is significant once you are used to it. 


A carrycot feature gives a flat cozy bed for newborns and young children to sleep on. As your child grows, the carrycot can be swapped with a regular stroller seat. So you are getting a  great value for your money.

Swivel Lock

The swivel wheel makes your stroller handling through tight spaces a breeze. But on the uneven ground, you need more stability. That’s where you need a swivel lock. 

This feature halts the movement of the stroller from moving left to right, so the stroller only moves in a straight line.

Swivel lock halt keeps stroller movement only straight

How to Maintain the Parts of a Stroller

Your stroller typically lasts for 3-5 years. But properly maintaining and repairing the parts of a stroller can increase its lifespan tenfold. Moreover, if your baby outgrows the stroller, you can get a very good value from your stroller if you sell it. 

Check you stroller harness system periodically

That’s I give so much importance to maintaining the stroller parts. Let’s break down each part of a stroller and see how to maintain them:

Wheels: The wheels on your stroller take the most abuse, and they can wear pretty easily. So, check them for wear and tear. Remove any debris from the treads and wipe them down with a damp cloth. 

Frame: Keep the stroller frame clean by wiping it down with a damp cloth and gentle soap. 

Harness System: Make sure it’s always in working condition by checking for signs of tearing or damage. 

Handlebar: Keep it clean with a quick wipe down with an antibacterial wipe.

Brakes: Check your stroller’s brakes on frequently to make sure they’re in excellent working condition. If they aren’t, get them fixed as soon as possible.

Canopy/Umbrella: Wipe off your canopy with a cloth and warm soapy water to keep it clean. 

Storage Basket: Empty it out and clean it often. If the storage is removable, rinse it in soapy water to clean it properly.

Suspension System: While it doesn’t require much maintenance, it’s good if you do a quick check periodically to make sure everything is in good condition.

Related: How to clean a stroller in 30 minutes 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are Car Seats and Strollers Interchangeable?

While car seats and strollers serve different purposes, many brands offer travel systems that allow a car seat to attach to a stroller frame, providing convenience and mobility. However, they are not universally interchangeable. 

2. What Are Strollers Made Of?

Strollers are built of strong materials. The frame is usually made of aluminum or steel, while the seats and canopy are made of polyester or nylon, generally padded for comfort. Wheels are made of plastic or rubber.

3. How Many Types of Strollers Are There?

Different strollers suit different lifestyles. They include regular strollers, car seat carriers, travel systems, umbrella strollers, jogging strollers, double strollers, wagon strollers, and all-terrain strollers. 

4. Can I Replace Parts of My Stroller?

Yes, many stroller manufacturers offer replacement parts like wheels, harnesses, handlebar grips, or fabric components. However, always buy them from the original manufacturer of that stroller or some trusted third-party shop.

5. How Do I Know if a Part of My Stroller Is Faulty?

A faulty stroller part may not function properly, look physically damaged or worn, or may make odd noises while you are using it. 


Understanding the parts of a stroller is more than just technical knowledge. It’s an essential part of your parenting. 

From the wheels to the canopy, every aspect of your stroller plays a role in your baby’s comfort and safety. I hope now you can make smart purchasing decisions and keep your stroller in excellent condition, making every trip with your child an incredible memory!

More Resources

How to Get Mold Out of Fabric in a Stroller

Where to Store Stroller: 22 Proven Tips for Struggling Parents

How Many Strollers Do I Need 

What To Do With Old Strollers? 

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