7 Easy Steps | How to Fold UPPABaby Vista Stroller

So, this is your baby’s first UPPABaby Vista, and you need to know how to fold and unfold them. Cool! It’s not a hard nut to crack. Here is the very simplest process you would love to do. 

I remember how struggling, I was to choose a stroller for my first baby. After long research, I bought a UPPABaby Vista stroller for my baby because of its enormous popularity and excellent features. 

Sarah and I met six months ago on a beach vacation with my baby. Check here when you can take your baby to the beach. Nevertheless, She was a new mom who had never used a stroller. She had to fold her baby’s stroller when she arrived at the beach. 

As a stroller takes up a huge space in one place, there would be problems with the movement of people, especially in a beach area. However, she attempted to do so based on a YouTube video tutorial.

Even so, she was unable to do the task effectively. I observed her expression and how uncomfortable she was at the time. I approached her and showed her How To Fold UPPABaby Vista

Sarah was relieved and grateful to me. We are still in touch. I already told you folding the stroller isn’t cumbersome to do, but the process is a little bit tricky. So, let’s learn the few easy steps of folding a UPPABaby Vista stroller.

7 Steps to Fold a UPPABaby Vista Stroller

UPPABaby is a premium brand. The UPPABaby Vista stroller is popular for its unique features and extra accessories. The more important thing is its trouble-free folding mechanism. You can fold it more compactly. So let’s check the six easiest steps on How To Fold UPPABaby Vista

7 Steps to Fold a UPPABaby Vista Stroller:

1. Hit the brake

In the right rear wheel, you will find the brake. When you engage the brake, you will find a red indicator as a sign of lock. The indicator changes from green to red after the brake is released. You just have to put a little pressure with your foot on the brake. When you are doing the folding process, it ensures that your stroller won’t roll away. As a result, you can rest assured that the stroller is free of unnecessary motions. 

2. Remove all accessories from the stroller.

Make sure you have removed all the belongings from the stroller. Otherwise, the stroller won’t collapse properly. If you are concerned about the toddler seat attached to the UPPABaby Vista, then Relax! 

You don’t need to remove it before folding. If you are in double stroller mode, you may need to fold the footrest for a more compact fold. However, if you are using the UPPABaby Vista with Piggyback Board while hiking with your baby, you have to raise it before the folding process. 

3. Extend the handlebar to its maximum height

Extend the handlebar to its maximum height

You will find an extendable handlebar on the UPPABaby Vista stroller. To fold the stroller, you have to extend the stroller to its maximum height.

At the center of the handlebar, you will find a button, push the button and pull the handlebar towards you to extend it. This is the reason for standing on their own when folded.

4. Fold down the canopy

fold down

It is essential to fold down the canopy to make the folding process more smooth and compact. 

5. Pull back on the triggers

Pull back on the triggers

You should just pull back on the triggers until it folds up completely. You can observe two rubber bumpers on the handlebar. It helps the handlebar from scratches when standing on the ground.  

6. Fold down the footrest

You will find two buttons on both sides of the stroller frame where the footrest is attached. Press the buttons and fold down the footrest towards the stroller wheels. You can also fold down the stroller without folding the footrest, but it minimizes the stroller’s height when standing. 

7. Use the stroller’s clip to secure it in place

Use the stroller’s clip to secure it in place

Once your Vista stroller is folded, it’s now ready to store the stroller or take it in any place. Though the stroller remains locked when folded, you can use the stroller’s clip to keep it more secure in place.

How to unfold the UPPABaby Vista Stroller?

How to fold uppababy vista

To unfold the stroller, first, unfold the footrest and push the grey tab in the stroller. Finally, pull the handlebars up toward you in a normal position until it clicks into place. Now your UPPABaby Vista is ready for a ride. 

Safety Considerations While Folding a  UPPABaby Vista Stroller

  • Make sure the stroller remains on a flat surface. It prevents tripping over during the folding process. 
  • Remove all loose items such as toys, blankets, cups, bags, or stroller organizers to keep your stuff in the stroller. It may hamper the folding mechanism.
  • Use both hands to make it easy.
  • Check your fingers so that they remain free from moving parts of the stroller.
  • Release the brakes to stop it from moving.
  • Ensure that the both front and rear wheels remain parallel to each other. 
  • Inspect the stroller for damage or any wear and tear when folding it. It affects the folding mechanism.
  • Keep the stroller standing position to keep the handlebar free from scratches. 
  • After folding the stroller, you should secure it with clips, giving you an easy lifting or moving experience.
  • Use lubricants to make the process smoother. 
  • Try to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to make it more accurate.


So, now you understand the straightforward folding mechanism of the Vista stroller. Obviously, you are reinforced with the folding and unfolding mechanism of the UPPABaby Vista stroller. These steps will make your UPPABaby Vista experience as flat as a pancake.  Share your learning with a new mom, your neighbors, or a stranger who needs your help to learn the folding mechanism. 

More resources

Why Is The Uppababy Stroller So Expensive: Unlocking the Mystery

Are Strollers Safe for Newborns | Unveiling the Truth

Best Fitness Tracker For Pushing A Stroller

Are Baby Strollers Allowed on Airplanes?

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